Chapter 14: When Justice Cries

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                                                                           "When Justice Cries"

I jolted from the bed, gasping for air before crashing my head back into the pillows. My hands roved under my tunic only to find my skin smooth and cool to the touch. It was just a dream.

"What is the matter?" the slave girl asked. I could her feet shuffle to my side. "Tell me?" she pleaded as she sat beside me on the bed. She lifted my heavy head in her arms. I gazed blankly into the ceiling as she cradled my head. The words were at the tip of my tongue but I couldn't even make a sound.

I looked up at her with quivering lips. "I...I cannot..." I began.

"You cannot what?" she asked. Her voice seemed to absorb my own fear.

"I cannot go to the trial," I completed. My head drooped forward.

"You have to Troy. They want to hear from the victim. Please do it for yourself. You deserve to get justice," she said in a firm voice.

"Gaius is going to be there. I cannot face him." She gave me a baffled look.

"He is not the one you have to worry about. Another man was caught."

"Right. My imagination is getting the best of me," I sighed. She slowly released her hands around my shoulders as my body began to unwind from her gentle touch.

"By the way, what made you so anxious over Gaius being there?"

I paused momentarily before answering. "It is nothing. I just had a dream and he was in it, and it was eerie...I do not know why I am telling you this."

"Never mind I asked," she said sheepishly. "I hope you can get some rest," she said in a soothing tone.

"I hope so too," I muttered.

"Maybe you should take some sleeping medicine," she added. "Just a thought," she said before excusing herself. I looked at the small glistening bottle that lay on the nightstand. I pushed myself up to slowly reach for the bottle—

"Breakfast will be served," came the call from one of the slaves that worked in the kitchen. The call bellowed into the hallways where the bedrooms were. I was use to that call before, which was part of my daily routine that started my life. I finally dragged my tired body out of bed and shuffled my legs out my room. My mind though was still on the vivid dream I had. What if the person that was supposed to be convicted was in fact innocent? What if Gaius was the one that wrote the letter? What if Gaius was the one behind it all along! But that does not make sense. After all he tried to help with the investigation that could expose the guilty party...

"Troy, are you ready for the trial?" someone asked from behind me, just before entering the dining hall. I almost leapt from my skin.

"Yes," I said, heaving a sigh. It was only Apollus. "Why do you ask?" I asked.

"I am asking a simple question. You seem to be quite nervous. You have nothing to worry about. The sick individual cannot do anything to you," he replied. I must have come off more defensive than I realized.

"I know that Apollus. It is not him I am worried about," I said softly.

"What are you talking about?" Apollus inquired as we walked together through the garden colonnade. I pursed my lips.

"Everyone will be on your side. I know why you are acting like had a dream did you?" He asked, plastering his signature smirk on his face. He acted like he solved a grand mystery.

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