Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Closer

All the way home, me and Louis were talking. He threw a few jokes here in there that made me laugh so hard. Then, we came closer to my house. He put me down so I could stand up and then we exchanged phone numbers. As I turned to leave, Louis held my arm and I turned to face him. "Violet, you are beautiful. Don’t let anyone think that you're not. Remember if you ever need to talk to me, just text me! Listen, I'm not doing much tomorrow, so do you want to meet tomorrow at the same place?"

"Perfect!" I said. He came near me and kissed me on my cheek. "Bye gorgeous!" He said as he walked away.


When I got home, I cleaned the cut and then changed into my pjs. They were shorts and a tank top both light purple and had flowers on them. As I was getting into bed, my phone vibrated. Louis texted me, "Hey beautiful, I already miss you! Good night and sweet dreams." At that moment, I felt like I was on top of the world. I texted him back and turned my phone off. With the biggest smile on my face, and Louis as the last thought in my head, I went to sleep.


The next morning, I opened my eyes to the sound of my phone vibrating. It was 9:26 am. The first thought in my head was Louis. As I was reading the text, my leg suddenly started hurting me but I ignored the pain and read the message. "Good morning beautiful.<3 How's my sunshine today? Meet me at the beach at 11am. Surprise surprise!(:"

I took a shower and put on a light pink puffed sleeve shirt with a pair of black tight shorts. I put my hair in a braid to the side and wore my silver toms. It was about 10. I called my three best friends, Caitlin,  Zulaikha, and Natasha. They were all beautiful. Caitlin had redish brown hair and always had a smile on her face. Zulaikha's name is really unique. It means 'brilliant beauty' and that’s what she was. Natasha though was a tall girl with light brown hair and big brown eyes. But me? I'm tall, I have long wavy brown hair, and brown eyes so I guess I wasn’t that beautiful.  I told them to meet all in Caitlins house since we lived close by.


It's now 10:45! I met the girls and told them about how I met Louis yesterday and they couldn’t believe it! They were all so excited. I told them that I have to meet him now. "So let me get this straight, you're going to meet LOUIS TOMLINSON and you're here sitting with us?" screamed Zulaikha.

"GO, GO, GO!" shouted Natasha and Caitlin.

They untied my hair and told me to put some lip gloss. "Thanks guys! Love you!" I shouted and made my way to the beach. I was limping because of the pain in my leg. I finally reached the beach. It was empty because most of the people were traveling for spring break. As I stood looking for Louis, I felt two hands on my waist. I jumped back and found Louis standing there wearing a white shirt with blue Hollister pants and navy blue toms. As I hugged him, he twirled me. "So, how are you babe?"

"I'm fine when I'm with you." I smiled at him.

"You're too sweet. Now come, I have a surprise for you! But we have to run."

"But Louis, what about my leg? I can't run."

"I'll carry you." Said Louis as he blindfolded me.


"WE'RE HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRREEEEEEEEEE!" shouted Louis. He put me down and untied the blindfold. I opened my eyes and I was in shock. I felt it as my eyes started forming tears.

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