Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Okay so this Chapter is dedicated to: latrice_mariee, WhiteGirl1, AniqueTrixterThomas, redmocha86, Annyxo24, campaign___ash, tamiaG777 and movingma. Thank you all for your comments on chapter 5. I really enjoy reading them please keep them comming and I hope you enjoy this chapter.

NaKhia's POV:

For the past three days Messiah and I had managed to avoid each other. I stayed locked in my room, while he stayed away at the studio. Again I was alone, no Messiah, no momma and no Colton. The only outside contact I made was with Mikey, who took me where ever I needed to go. His girlfriend Jen who's a nurse that I absolutely love. Ms. Tyonna, when she would come to clean and cook and sometime late at night to the pizza man. Speaking of the pizza man, I got up off my bed. He should've been here by now. Walking down stairs I saw Messiah paying him while holding my pizza in his hand. I walked over to him holding my back and tried to take it out of his hand.

"No more pizza." He held it out of my reach.

"Messiah give me my pizza." I tried to jump but barely made it off the ground.

Messiah started laughing at my effort. "I paid for it, so it's mine."

He opened the lid and the smell of cheese and pepperoni filled the air. I really wanted that pizza so I lower my head and rubbed my belly. "I know your hungry, but your daddy won't give me your food. He wants us to starve to death." I talked down to my stomach, and than looked up at messiah with a sad look.

"That's wrong and you know it Khia. Where's Tyonna? She was supposed to make you dinner."

"The school called, her son was sick so i told her to go home." I still gave him my sad look.

"Go sit down I'll get you a plate, we'll eat it together." He turned and walked towards the kitchen.

"Thank you Siah." I knew how to get my way.

We sat in silence as I scarfed down three slices of pizza. "What?" I questioned Messiah staring at me as I grabbed my fourth piece.

"Nothing I- I've just never seen you eat like this. You always ate like a bird. Not to change the subject but did you get the three drug test that I left outside your door."

Since we weren't talking Messiah had left his test results from the at home drug test every morning outside my bedroom door. One morning I heard this knock on the door and when I answered it the damn thing was sitting on the floor. It took me forever to bend down and pick it up. Since than every morning I would get a knock and there it was.

"Yes and they all so far say, you are clean."

"See I told you I could do it." He picked up another slice.

"I'll give you credit. I still think you need help."

Before he could say anything Mikey and Jen walked into the kitchen breaking the tension between us.

"Hey big head." Jen hit Messiah in the back of the head. "Hi momma." She hugged me and rubbed my stomach.

"Hey girl you looking cute, where y'all going? " I asked being nosy

"My Mikey's taking me to the movies. Are we still on for tomorrow?"

"What's going on for tomorrow? " Messiah asked being nosy.

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