Eight of Clubs

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A week after he finished writing his final highschool exams, West got a phone call he was certainly not expecting. "I'm pregnant." West froze when he heard the words over the phone. Then the Cubano frowned, pulled the phone away from his ear and looked a the caller ID, then brought the phone back up.

"I always expected to receive one of these phone calls one day. I just figured that I'd get to sleep with the woman first. Last time I checked, there's no way the baby could be mine Alice." West said into the phone, a weird flip flop sensation in his gut as the meaning behind the words really sunk in. "Holy s*** you're pregnant with Reaper's baby!" West yelled into the phone, understanding making him lose volume control.

"Really? Never would have figured that one out on my own, thanks." Alice's tone was sarcastic and West frowned as he heard the echo of tears in her voice.

"Alice, do you need me to come over?" West asked, realizing that she was still emotionally traumatized.

"No West. I need him to come over but he's 'too busy' with exams." Alice's voice lost the last traces of happieness and West knew she was crying again.

"I'm on my way." West didn't even hesitate, hanging up before she could try and argue with him over it. Alice was for all intents and purposes another of West's sisters and that meant he would be there for her whenever she needed him. Thinking about how his own sisters would react in this situation, West grabbed Alice from Salali's apartment and took her to be coddled by the James women.

One hour, 2 pints of icecream and a box of tissues later, and West had Alice settled in with his sisters. "You know, this is the second phone call to either Maddison or I that someone was pregnant." all the girls looked at him, eyebrows raised. "Her old dance troupe. That playboy Rafe, well seems he knocked up his costar Esmeralda. The troupe leader wants Maddison back but she's negotiating for a harder to break contract and better pay." he explained with a shrug.

"I'm glad someone's life is looking up." Alice muttered darkly before little Ophelia passed her another tissue.

"You seem to be leaking venom, thought you might want to clean it up a little." Ophelia stated calmly, little girl's voice sounding harshly serious. Alice stared at West's youngest sister for a moment, then started to laugh.

"Can I steal her?" Alice asked West, hugging the tiny girl.

"Please do." West said dryly, earning a death glare from all his sisters.

"Not cool Westley. Not cool." Ophelia muttered, patting Alice on the back as if she were the older woman.

"I'm just greatful that it's your best friend we're comforting right now and not your girlfriend. I'm far too young to be Auntie anything yet." Honey chimed in, smiling sweetly at her big brother.

"Harridans. I'm surrounded by harridans." West sighed, looking to ceiling in supplication. Until Candace smacked him up the back of the head.

"Be nice. When you do knock Maddison up, we're gonig to be the baby sitters. Remember that." Candace warned. West stared at her in horror, dark cheeks seeming a little more dusky suddenly.

"West... are you blushing?" Alice asked, tone teasing.

"This is why I like living at 'la's house. She's at least nice to me." West complained, hamming it up and pouting. He wasn't upset, but his antics were making Alice laugh and relax, the pale faced trauma fading away under a happier flush.

"I can't believe it's over...."Alice's voice was a sigh, part saddness, part relief. Honey and Candace joined Ophelia in hugging Alice from all sides and West wrapped his arms around all the women of his family. The only one missing was his Angel, and she was out with her own family, celebrating.

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