A Moment Of Love

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  • Dedicated to -anyone affected by cancer<3

Copyright © Emily J. - NerdyBirdie of Wattpad.

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A Moment Of Love

The day I died was the day I fell in love.

Her name was Elisha. She was the most beautiful being I'd ever laid eyes on. She had flawless pale skin that seemed to glow, beckoning me to touch. Her hair was long, reaching her waist in silky waves, soft as a feather, deep mahogany in colour. She had full, soft lips, curved into a seductive smile. Her eyes - oh, her eyes! - they were like warm pools of chocolate, filled to the brim with a child-like curiosity. But it was not her irresistible beauty that had me struck with love, no, it was simply her.

Three months before I laid my unworthy eyes on Elisha, I had been diagnosed with terminal cancer, a tumor that was rapidly growing. There was nothing any professional could do - my time was slipping by.

In a mere two months, I had surprised myself with what could be done - I had fulfilled many of my dreams: I had finally visited my place of birth, made amends with old friends. Content with my travels, I found myself at peace with life. Whatever happened next, I was mentally prepared for - or so I thought.

On the fateful day I arrived back at my home in London, my condition worsened, and I had to be rushed into hospital immediately. By this time I had a month left of my life, the doctors had estimated sadly.

A month I did manage, but only by the skin of my teeth. Some days my condition would be stable, whereas other days it would plummet to dust. It soon became apparent that the tumor was slowly, but surely, taking hold of my life. I was moved permanently to the hospital, to a dull, bare room where I was doomed to spend the rest of my days.

It was on the last day of my life that I met Elisha. She was a trainee nurse, and she delivered me breakfast that morning. As soon as I laid eyes on her, I found myself with a strong infatuation. It took all I had left within me not to stare and admire her beauty all day long. She stayed with me whilst I ate, causing me to eat very slowly, just so I could spend more time with her.

It turned out that she wasn't just to spend breakfast with me, but the whole day - apparently the doctors thought I could do with some company, since none of my relatives visited. Some of my family just didn't care for me anymore, though I knew the hospital hadn't been able to contact the majority of my relatives.

During that day, Elisha and I talked, shared memories, and we had a laugh. Her laugh was mesmerizing - like the melodic tinkling of little bells. It felt good to laugh again, to actually get the chance to express an emotion.

At around five o'clock, I started to feel strange, everything started spinning, and I felt woozy. The doctors were rushed in, turning on machines and injecting me with drugs. My vision began to blur, and sounds became dull and quiet - too quiet. I faintly heard Elisha whisper something in my ear, about holding on, that I could survive this.

One of the doctors started to yell things at all of the other nurses and doctors in the crowded room, and everything became too much for my head to handle, it was as if I couldn't process anything anymore.

An intense tiredness came over me, my vision slipping away slowly. I took once last glance into those intense chocolate-eyes which were filled with fear, before my lids fluttered shut. In that last moment of life, I fell in love - as she had stayed with me, holding my hand 'til the very end.

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