Till Death Do Us Part (CielxLizzy Black Butler Fanfic)

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Till Death Do Us Part

Warning: An almost rape scene occurs in this chapter.

Running. That was what she was currently doing. Running for her life. "Come here you little bitch!" The man screamed after her as he chased her. "You are gonna regret ever doing that!" A glint of silver suddenly flew right by her head. The object landed on the bark of an upcoming tree. The knife had barely missed its target. She didn't get hit! "Luck seems to be on your side tonight sweetie. But I guarantee you that in the next few minutes, it won't be any more!" He called to her, a psychotic laughter following after his statement. Her heart pounded profusely. Her breaths began to come in sharp intakes. She silently cursed herself as she felt her legs reluctantly begin to slow their pace. The branches from the surrounding trees scraped against her cheeks and tore at her clothes.

She was exhausted; I am quite sure anybody would be after running for thirty minutes straight while being chased by a sadistic serial killer. She heard a howl in the distance as she reached an opening to a meadow. The full moon shone brightly in the night. The chirping of crickets could be heard among the tall grass that reached up to her waist. It truly was a beautiful sight. She may would've stopped and marveled at its beauty if it wasn't for the large pants that she kept continuously hearing from the old man behind her.

She knew that he was enjoying this. Watching from behind as she ran away for her life, perspiration dripping between her eyebrows and everywhere else on her body. Loving her failed attempts at screaming for help that she gave out multiple times, her voice gradually giving out and throat becoming hoarse. Of course, nobody heard her pleas of help and it wouldn't have mattered even if they did; nobody cared jack shit about her in this cruel and pathetic world.

She was his prey and he was her predator, like a rat to a snake. And we all know that ninety percent of the time, the predator will eventually dominate and kill its prey when it is ready. Apparently her predator wasn't ready though. No, he was going to fuck with her mind before getting real dirty. She suddenly felt a large callus hand encircle around her left arm. It yanked her back harshly, forcing her to face him.

The man crashed his lips against hers, forcing his tongue into her mouth. He roughly moved his one free hand up her shirt and began to feel her tiny breasts, ignoring her cries. She struggled back, squirming uncontrollably and thrashing her legs at his shins while trying to shove him off of her. "Hold still!" He grunted as he fell back, flipped them over, and pressed her against the cold ground. She felt the various sizes of stones underneath her as she made contact with the earth. He was now on top, her back facing him.

He was shrugging her pants off when she began to flail her right arm out helplessly, trying to strike him anywhere she could. He grabbed it with one hand before jerking it back the opposite way. There was a loud, frightening, snapping noise before a tremendously loud yell was heard throughout the night. He had broken her arm! "Heh. That's what you get bitch for your actions earlier. Now stay still!" He presumed taking the rest of her pants off. He seemed to want to savor the moment as he carefully took off her underwear. He slapped one of her cheeks. "You know, it's been years since I've had sex with a blondie. It was the first time I had lost my virginity. What year was it? Nineteen seventy-five? Yeah, I think that's it. I was eighteen and just graduated from high school."

He massaged her butt as he said those sentences, she, whimpering at his every touch. But she dared not fight back, afraid of what else he'd do to her. He was so much stronger than her and his added weight made it difficult for her to move her lower torso. He momentarily stopped rubbing her butt to place his hand on her back and lift himself up from her body. She could hear him unbuckling his belt and zipping down his pants. She began to sob. She abruptly felt something smack her against the head.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2013 ⏰

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