War Talk

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I no own PJO


Omega Pov

I vapor traveled to earth and saw an army monsters. I raised my ice arm and mist formed around the army. I then super heated the mist to the point where all non-fire

proof monsters would die. Only 20 Telkhines were left with 15 Lastrogonians. I quickly dispersed them. The coward Prometheus fled. I turned and walked towards the


"Hello I am Omega." I said. Many looked at me fearfully. Others just looked plain shocked. Zeus was the first to regain his composure.

"Hello I am Zeus King of the gods and the sky."

"Hello." I replied using all of my power to keep my voice controlled.

"Welcome to this planet we are glad to have you as an ally." said my Father. I glared at him, but it passed unnoticed because of my hood. The Olympians and the

immortal counselors all introduced themselves, even though I knew who they all were. As they were finishing up their introductions a large black space ship appeared

in the sky above us. When it landed five hundred soldiers filed out. Commander John walked over to me. He bowed and said

"Hello sir, I see you have arrived already." No duh I thought, but kept my thoughts to myself. The Olympians again introduced themselves. Commander John and his

lieutenant Maria also introduced themselves.

"We should go to the war room and discuss strategy and other things." said Athena. We were led back to the war room. We walked in, first the Olympians then the

immortal counselors, then myself, then Maria and John. We sat down.

Annabeth Pov

We walked into the room and every one sat back down. "Before we begin talking about the war, I might as well ask has anyone any news about the whereabouts of

Perseus Jackson?" said Zeus.

"Wait did you just say Perseus Jackson as in Percy Jackson?" asked/screeched Kayla. Everyone looked over at her.

"What do you know about Percy?" I asked hopefully.

"It is just an old legend. Percy Jackson appeared in the universe roughly around four hundred years ago. He just showed up out of no where. He would kill people, but

not like a murderer, he was an assassin. He would kill anyone who was looked upon as evil. Warlords hungry for power, slave masters, mass murderers, any one

whom society would be better off with out. He was immensely powerful. He could travel from planet to planet and just assassinate his targets. Some believe that story

others just think it is just a legend. The reason it is looked at as a legend is because there are many gaps in that story. No one knows his home planet, where he came

from. Also he just disappeared about three hundred years ago. Some think he retired peacefully, others think he failed a mission and was killed. However I doubt he

was killed. If he was, whomever defeated him would have made it public. He had a bounty on his head large enough to buy a planet the size of earth, made of solid

gold, ten times over. So he either went into retirement peacefully, died of natural causes or never existed. Chaos refuses to tell us whether or not he existed." I was

shocked and clearly was every one else. He could still be alive he never lost his immortality. Poseidon looked like he was on the verge of tears.

Omega's p.o.v.

Kayla just told that old story about me. I don't get why, but all of the soldiers seem really fond of that old legend. Even though it is all true, as far as most know it is


"Well now that we know Perseus may still be alive we should talk about the war." said Athena.

"That is true." I said trying to get off the topic of me.

"Actually, Omega your pretty old weren't you alive when Perseus Jackson lived, do you know anything about him." asked John

"Fine; yes he was a real person., but I do not know much about him"

"I bet your lying, I bet Percy died long ago, he was nothing; he could not have come close to accomplishing that." said Xander.

"What ever you chose to believe, now we must speak war." I said, desperately trying to change the topic, my life is not something I like to talk about.

"He is right." said Zeus. "Now we know Prometheus is back from recent battle, Hyperion is back as well. Rhea has returned, along with Krios, Oceanus has returned,

Kronos may have or may have not come back. We also have no lead as to where Iapetus is." I almost smiled I know exactly where Iapetus is.

"Also Brother there is one more problem." said my father "I sense Typhon beginning to stir." Every one except myself, Maria, and John paled.

"Who is Typhon?" asked Maria.

"Typhon is the strongest monster in history." answered Annabeth.

"Typhon is not a worry, Chaos has informed me that he will defeat Typhon."

"If Chaos can defeat Typhon why does he not just defeat the Titans for us? Why did he send his soldiers? " asked Xander with a smug expression on his face, as if he

scored some kind of a point.

"Chaos does not interfere, except under extreme circumstance's, for the same reason the gods do not interfere with mortal affairs." I answered.

"Okay so we do not have to worry about Typhon. What about the other titans?" asked Zeus.

"I am sure it is nothing we can not handle. I will battle the titans; and the soldiers and campers will defeat the monsters." I said.

"What makes you so special, that you think you can battle a titan?" asked Xander

"The titans are not that powerful, you all are just weak." I answered.

"What!" screamed Ares, the other gods all looked furious.

"I am not frightened by you." I answered.

"Is that so. Then I challenge you to a duel if you are not to chicken to accept it." said Xander. I smiled

"I would love to kick your ass in front of all the gods, demigods, and soldiers." It was

pretty obvious to tell that Xander was furious.


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