He Breaks Up with You but You're Pregnant Part 2 (Other Boys)

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*not edited

Life was great. You had your dream job, you had a beautiful little home and your baby girl Tiana (Y/L/N) was now one and a half and you were going back to Beacon Hills because your best friends Lydia and Allison have been begging you over the phone to meet your baby girl and since her second birthday was coming up you decided to have it in Beacon Hills.

You walked through the airport, Tiana skipping beside you. She looked just like her father and only a hint of you. She had her dad's brown hair, light brown eyes with specks of gold and high cheek bones.

"(Y/N)!" You heard your name being called excitedly.

You turned in time just to be pulled into a big bare hug. You soon felt a second pair of arms wrap around you. You recognized them to be your best friends.

"You look really good (Y/N)" Lydia complinted, Allison nodding in agreement.

"Tiana, come meet Aunty Lydia and Aunty Allison," You knealt down beside your daughter lightly knudging her forwards.

Allison and Lydia got on really well, your daughter was non stop talking back to Lydia's house where you were staying for the next week.

The girls had your luggage and Tiana was sitting on your hip as you walked through the door, which you were soon greeted by a loud chorus of "Welcome Back!"

You jumped in suprise seeing all your old friends from the pack and a large banner that said Welcome back.

Your eyes scanned the crowd, you could see all the suprised looks on everyone's faces to you holding a baby that coincidentally happened to look like your ex-boyfriend whom you haven't seen since you left. You never told anyone that you were pregnant except Allison and Lydia.

Everyone came forward welcoming you back and introducing themselves to your daughter. She was very energetic entertaining each guest.

Then last but not least Stiles stepped forward. You pulled Tiana closer to you and nodded at him politely. He nodded towards a secluded corner gesturing for you to follow him. You knew you couldn't keep Tiana a secret from him any longer especially when she looks exactly like him.

"Why didn't you tell me Y/N?"

"Why do you think Stiles? You dumped me."

"I would've been there for you, you didn't have to leave!" He argued.

"Stiles, I was 16 and pregnant and I had no one. You left me. I was scared and didn't know what to do, leaving was the only thing that seemed logical!" You argued back.

"I'm so sorry I made you feel that way. I loved you so much. That's why I left you, I couldn't stand to see you get hurt. I thought leaving you would keep you safe but when I found out you left my heart was shattered into a million pieces. I missed your pregnancy and all her firsts please don't let me miss anything else." He cried holding your hands.

"Stiles I miss you too." You pulled him in for a kiss and he responded fiercely.

He pulled back "Can I meet her?"

You nodded calling her over.

"Honey remember when you always asked me why all your friends from school had daddies and you didn't? Well baby, meet daddy," You smiled

It had been a week since Scott had dumped you. All you did was mope around the house. Hardly eating, hardly drinking.

Today was just like every other day. You curled up in a ball on the bed. The only thing different was you were continuously getting stomach cramps and it was getting worse and worse.

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