Chapter Sixty-four

Start from the beginning

All I’ve been doing is sitting up and waiting for him to come back, occasionally crying in between when the negative thoughts get to me. Harry left around four fifteen and now it’s going on ten o’clock. That’s just about six hours that he’s been gone.

I pulled the covers closer to me and tried to close my eyes whilst resting my head on my pillow. Every attempt I made to try and make myself calm was proven worthless.

I knew he shouldn’t have listened to that note and I tried to convince him, but he was too focused on the fact that Melissa might be okay. Well she is, but she’s not wherever he went; she’s sleeping in one of the bedrooms here.

The door to the bedroom opened slowly and was closed quietly behind the person. I figured it was just Louis seeing if I was okay, so I didn’t pay much mind to it. The silhouette of the person moved across the room towards the bathroom.

I reached out to the lamp on the bedside table and turned it on, surprising the lad, or should I say Harry. Thank God he’s okay, but I’m pissed that he didn’t even try to tell Louis that he was going to be so much longer.

“Where were you?” I asked not-so-calmly.

“I thought you were asleep,” he replied with his back still turned to me, completely dodging my question.

“How could I sleep when all I was thinking about was that something terrible happened to you?” The tears were coming back, the shakiness evident in my voice.

“I’m sorry, I wasn’t-”

“No. Don’t apologise when you can’t even look at me in the first place,” I interrupted him, trying to sound strong even though my voice was unstable.

I crawled out from under the blankets and got out of the bed, my bare feet padding across the floor as I walked towards the door.

I turned back around once more, “I thought we were trying to work on this, on us. I thought we were going to tell the truth, no more lies or secrets. I thought you wanted us to have a future together, but you hardly even talk to me and I feel like you just shut me out of everything. I don’t even feel like I’m really part of your life, I feel like I’m just another girl to you.”

“You know damn well that’s not true.”

“Then why won’t you look at me and explain how I’m wrong?”

“Because if I turn around you’ll be angry with me.”

“Why would I be-”

Harry turned around to face me and I noticed a line of dried blood on his cheek.

“What happened?” I asked as my mood changed to concerned.

He sighed, “I got in a bar fight and someone decided to break a beer bottle.”

“Come on, that could get infected.”

I took his hand as I walked by him and brought him into the bathroom, getting out the supplies I needed. Good thing my dad was a doctor otherwise I wouldn’t know half the stuff that I do.

When I turned around to face Harry, he was closer than I thought. His hands cupped the back of my bare thighs as he lifted me onto the countertop of the sink directly in front of him. He stood in between my legs as I moved the cotton ball across the cut, staring into my eyes whilst I focused on his cheek. Normally peroxide stings on cuts, but Harry wasn’t reacting to the chemicals.

As soon as I removed the cotton ball from his skin and looked up into his eyes, he leaned down and pressed his lips against mine.

“Don’t ever think that I don’t love you,” he said softly, his lips brushing against mine as he spoke.

His hands went to the hem of the shirt I was wearing, which happened to be his, and he started to pull it up. I placed my hands over his to stop him.

“Not tonight, there’s someone else here,” I told him

“Louis left, baby,” he replied before placing kisses down my kneck.

“No, I mean there’s someone else here. I wasn’t talking about him.”


I paused, “Your sister…”


“She came when you were gone. She said her name was Melissa and that you were her brother. I let her shower and borrow some clothes and then I told her she could stay here.”

“I have to go see her,” he said before walking out of the bathroom.

I hopped down from my perch on the edge of the sink and followed him out. Hopefully he doesn’t wake her.

And I spoke too soon; once we got there he flipped on the light switch and she turned to our direction with a furrowed brow and tightly shut eyelids.

Harry turned the light off and walked into the hallway. I quietly closed the door behind me as I watched him pace the hall.

“What’s wrong?” I quizzed.

“That’s not my sister.”


“That girl in there isn’t Melissa. I don’t know who she is.”

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