Normal people scare me (Tate Langdon)

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I was sitting in my fourth period English class pretending to write down notes when I heard it, screaming. I must not be the only one who hear the screaming this time cause the teacher cuts off mid sentence.

Next thing I know people are running from the classroom screaming about some guy with a gun. I don't make any effort to move from my seat as the last student fleas out the door of the room. Sitting in middle of the empty classroom I can hear the whispering starting again.

The door closes with a click and I am alone. I can still hear the faint screamings and whisperings, until everything goes silent.

Then I hear a faint voice, but this voice is different from all the others I've heard in the past. This voice has no pain behind it, no emotion at all, as it whispers 'it's a filthy goddam world'.

That's when I hear the creak of the classroom door being opened. I look up to see a beautiful tattooed blond boy standing in front.

I couldn't do anything but stare at the inked boy. His tattoos dressed his face trailing down this neck, making it look as if he is a skeleton. He is dressed in a black trench coat, underneath it he had a black shirt which cover the rest of his tattoos, and black pants tucked into leather combat boots. His hair is slicked back nice and neatly as if he going to a funeral. He has a gun in each hand, which he is firmly gripping. I look up to his face again and his lack of expression meets mine. His eyes look empty and he stares at me, tilting his head to the side.

"Your not running, normal people run." He spoke, his voice just as emotionless as the new whispers was.

"I'm not normal," I shrug.

His eyes and voice softens as he sighs, "...Normal people scare me..."

After a long silence he breaks eye contact with me and walks right out the door. I just sit there waiting, then I hear the police sirens.

-2 years later-

"Why did we have to move back to this town? And why did we have to move into this house?" I complained to my parents as we pulled into the drive way of our new house.

"Oh, hush up Violet, this house is beautiful and the shooting at the school was two years ago." My mother tried.

"Whatever," I sighed. I was never going to win this one so I got out of the car and grabbed a few boxes. As I walked into the house, the first thing I noticed were the wooden staircase. As I made my way up the stairs I passed about two bedrooms and a bathroom before I found it. It was perfect, my new room.

After a couple hours of unpacking, I finally finished. Lying back on the soft bed I began to drift off to sleep just to be awaken by whispering. I've only heard that whisper once before and it was two years ago... The day of the shooting...

Before I could think too into the oddly familiar whisper, I heard my dad calling me down for dinner. I got up and headed down the stairs to have a 'family' dinner.

After dinner I went to escape to my new room, just before I could my dad said he has to tell us something.

"So you guys know how this new house has an office, I was planning on working out of the house. My first patient will be here tomorrow morning." He smiled at my mother and I as we both nod okay. And I head off to my room again.

As I lay in bed the voices come back and I drown them out with music. And soon drift off to sleep.

Normal people scare me (Tate Langdon)Where stories live. Discover now