Suprise Suprise !!!!!

926 30 10

9 months latter

I was struggling to reach down and get my shoes on my aching feet about to give up when Edward stepped out of the bathroom, towel wrapped around his waist . Trying not to show his amusement he coughed and said “Bella Love do you need help?” mad that he thought this was cute I became more frustrated and just rolled my eyes not replying. Talking out loud I said “you know what it doesn’t matter that Alice said these shoes go with this dress and that I have to wear them to the wedding. She must think this is funny to, I can’t even get my feet into them..” and then I went in to the speech about how I was fat and couldn’t fit anything because I looked like a whale who could barely walk without having to waddle and stop ever now and then to take a break. I went on and on about all kinds of things before Edward finally shut me up with his lips. When he thought I was done talking he removed his lips from mine and I just sat there quietly daze, while looking into his eyes. “Now that you’re quiet Bella I want you to know that you’re beautiful and you’re carrying our two quickly growing kids if you haven’t forgotten. You’re not fat you round with our kids, and I love the way you look. If it’s possible you have gotten even sexier in my eyes, and when we get back I will show you just how I feel.” Edward kissed my forehead and slipped on my flats. “Now” he said” I want you to call Esme and tell her that we are running a little behind so to go ahead without us.” I nodded my head and reached over to the phone in the bedroom.

Edward pov (been a long time lol)

As I walked into the closet and got dressed in what Alice said we all had to wear so we would all be together , I thought of the talk that Bella and I had frowning at hearing her say those thing about herself and not see that she was beautiful. So tonight I’ll have to see if I can slip away and have Bella stay at the main house for a little while while I set up the house for her surprise. Quickly putting on my shoes and going to grab the keys I went to start up the car so it would be warm for Bella, hopefully helping her muscle relax a little. I came back into the room to ear Bella lightly snoring. Smiling at the sense before me, she had fallen asleep while on the phone. I took the phone from her hand and put it back on the base. I carefully lifted her up into my arms and carried her out to the car.


When we arrived at the beach I parked and shook Bella awake. Her response was “No. just a couple more minutes” I laughed, got out the car to walk around and open her door. “Bella come on we don’t want to be late to the wedding do we?” I question as she began to sit up, huffed and held her arms out for me to help her get out. We walked down to our seats and greeted the rest of the family. As I began to have a conversation with Emmett and jasper, Bella went to the altar where Charlie was standing to go and talk to her dad.

I held Bella hand as she dabbed at her eyes with a tissue as Charlie said “I do” and but his ring on Sues finger, then Sue said “I do “and put his ring on his finger. The minster then said you may now kiss the bride; they shared a short and sweet kiss before turning to us as Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Swan. We all cheered and clapped our hands as they walked down the aisle of chairs. I then felt Bella grip my arm I looked down to see why. Her face had drooped and she had a hand on her stomach. She looked at me and said “my water just broke” I stared at her in shock before she clutched my arm tighter and moan through a contraction. I turned to Carlisle and he told me to get her to the car that he would tell Charlie we wouldn’t be able to make it to the reception. I grabbed Bella’s hand and we began walking to the car stopping a couple of times on the way for Bella to breathe through some contractions. We finally made it to the car and were on the way to the hospital where Carlisle had called and told them we were on our way.  


As we walked into the hospital we got a wheel chair and where taken to a room where they told Bella to change into a hospital gown as we waited for Carlisle to get here. Three minutes later Carlisle came into the room quickly.  As he began to get dress the rest of his staff came in to help, I then heard Charlie in the waiting room asking where we were. A nurse soon guided him back and over to Bella, Charlie then grabbed Bella’s other hand and smoothed back some hair that had been stuck by some sweat to her forehead. She then asked him “what he was doing her and not at with sue”. He told her “don’t worry about right now; she’s in the waiting room with Seth and Leah”. As Bella was about to protest another contraction came and this one was longer and had Bella leaning forward like she was ready to push. Carlisle then lifted up the sheet and looked to see how far she was dilated. He looked and patted Bella leg telling her she was going to have to try and not push because to deliver these half breed children she would have to be 10 cm and she was only 9. She was very close but just that little difference if she deiced to push things could go wrong.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was show time Bella had been in labor for another hour and had been eating ice chips to distract her from the pain as she breath through each contraction that was telling her body to push. Carlisle came back into the room smiling “well Bella my dear, its show time”, he said rubbing his hands and putting on some gloves. He sat down on his stool and pulled up the sheet separating our kids from the world. I then heard the voice of our children saying “Daddy it’s so crowed in here and we want to come out.” I smiled and leaned down to whispered in Bella’s ear what the twins had said and she laughed rubbing her stomach and saying” I know little ones, mommas going to get you out” . she then was hit by another contraction at which this time Carlisle told her to push as he counted to three and then to take a break before repeating the process again.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bella pov

As Carlisle told me to push I thought of what the babies had said as I gave a hard push as Carlisle counted to three. 




Breath, breath, breath

And then I would push as hard as I could, this went on about 5 more times before I heard the first cry. Carlisle gently grabbed the baby, cut the umbilical cord. He held him up for us to see saying that our son was the first one out, as he handed him off to a nurse. I was then hit by another contraction which was my daughter way of saying she wanted out too. I bored down hard and push with all my might, a couple more of those pushes I wasn’t keeping count I was just trying to get her out. The second most beautiful cry I have ever heard rang into the room and I sagged back against the bed tried from all the pushing. Edward kissed my forehead and told me how proud of me he was and how I did a great job. Another nurse came and took our daughter; they cleaned them up and then brought them out handing me our son and Edward our daughter. Our son looked like Edward he had brown hair, Edwards charming smile, and his green eyes. While our daughter looked like me, she had Charlie’s brown locks, chocolate brown eyes, and dimples. Edward then looked down at me and said what we are naming our children. I looked at our son and said “his name will be Christian Mason Cullen” and I looked at our daughter and said “her name will be Carlie Anna Cullen.”

Edward pov

I loved the names that Bella had finally picked for our son and daughter they fit perfectly. I looked down at Bella, our son and then at our little girl and couldn’t help but smile the surprise was on me.

THE END (when I had time which idk when I will write and epilogue)

(a/n so comment what you think and vote please, have a good first week at school <3)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2013 ⏰

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