Chapter 38

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Sara's POV

"Surprise!" Everyone yelled. My eyes widened with excitement. I gasped, not believing what I was looking at. It was absolutely perfect. Harry leaned towards me and whispered into my ear.

"I planned a little surprise baby shower for you." I started to blush. I have the best boyfriend in the world. People started walking up to us and giving us hugs. They were congratulating us and the twins.

Somehow we managed to hug and chat with everyone here. There had to be at least thirty people here. Eventually everyone was seated and I was guided to a table at the front of the room with Harry. We sat down and Louis walked up to the front. I guess he's the emcee.

"Welcome to this last minute surprise baby shower for Sara." He paused. "To start this afternoon off, we are going to play a little game." This could be interesting. "Before Harry and Sara arrived, you were all given a piece of paper where you were told to wrote a boy and a girl name. I collected them and I will now read them out." He walked over to a box and lifted up the lid. These names could either be really funny or, really good ideas to what we should name the twins. I assume they had to write a boy and a girl name because they don't know the gender of the twins yet. I wonder when we will get to tell everyone.

He pulled out the first piece of paper and read it out. "This ones from Niall. For a girl he suggested, Crazy Mofo." Everyone started laughing. Well everyone except for Samantha. She still laughed but not like she normally would. Something happened and I really want to ask her but its not like I can just stop the baby shower for it. People have put a lot of work into this and I don't want to ruin it. Louis continued so I turned my attention back to him.

"And for the boy name, Niall suggested, Crazy Mofo." He repeated. Everyone started to laugh again. Typical Niall. He knows how to make people laugh. That's one of the many things I love about him.

"Next up is Zayn." Louis started. "For a boy he suggested, Isaac and for a girl he suggested, Isabella." I thought about those name. I liked those names but to be honest, I didn't want to name my babies those names.

Next was one of Harry's cousins. She suggested Olivia and Max. I liked the name Olivia but I didn't really like Max. Then it was Gemma's turn. She suggested the names Charlotte and Benjamin. They were both cute names but once again, I wouldn't name my son and daughter that.

"Next is Anne," He paused. "She suggested William for a boy and Ella for a girl." I really liked the name Ella but when I looked at Harry, he didn't look like he enjoyed it. I can probably cross that name off my list. This is going to be harder than I thought.

Before I knew it, we had gone through all of the people. Liam suggested Ava and James, Samantha suggested Chloe and Toby, Perrie suggested Lily and Noah, and Eleanor suggested Mia and Lucas. The last person to say their names was Louis. I have a funny feeling this is going to make all of us laugh.

"Alright, now that everyone else has gone, it's finally my turn to say the names I suggested." He paused for a dramatic effect. "For a girl I suggested, Louise." Everyone started to laugh. "And for the a boy name, I suggested Louis Jr." Everyone laughed even harder. How did I already know he was going to say that? Just like Niall, he knows how to make people laugh. I truly love these boys.


So far, the baby shower has been amazing. Louis had been an awesome emcee and everyone is having a great time. Right now we are just finishing eating. It's nothing big, mostly snack foods. Harry and I made small talk while everyone ate.

"So I have a fun way we can reveal the gender of the twins." He said. I raised one of my eyebrows.

"You do?" I questioned.

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