I - The Blue Portal - Part I

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October 1, in the year of 8845, Reminis Calendar (RC)

Tic-tock, tic-tock.

Elli listened to the steady tempo of her wrist watch. How she wished it could transform into a weapon and slay the six men standing before her. But now, the ticking of the needle intensified her anxiety. What are they going to do to me next?

The men, however, simply gave her a playful smirk. Then, as if she was no longer of any importance, their gaze traveled upwards to the night sky. They didn't even bind her hands. It wasn't like she could escape. The emerald staff with a fang-bearing serpent skull ensured that.

The Vampists remained motionless, anticipating a miracle. The bones sewn to their cloaks were the only things that responded to Elli's ebbing emotions. The wide-ajar jaws of the skulls looked like they were laughing at her weakness, teasing her for not being able to do anything.

Elli shivered. The bones were the symbols of the Vampists' victory. They belonged to someone who had a family, like her. Get a grip of yourself, Elli! Those blood suckers can imprison your body but you should never let them conquer your soul. Right!

Elli cast one last revolting look at the mocking marrow, before turning to study the surroundings. She noticed a waterfall spilling sparkling water into a blue lake. To her back was a forest with trees taller than the World Trade Centre. Where the hell is this place?

It wouldn't help even if she had the answer. There was no way out.

For a month, they had been migrating from one place to another. They had never stayed in a site for more than a week. Those blood suckers had been discreet. They would only remove her blindfold when they arrived in a cave, each time darker than the previous one. Sometimes, the surroundings were abundant with wildlife that they could feast on; sometimes there would only be desolate lands uninhabitable for a great distance.

Elli puked every time she saw the blood suckers feast on raw meat. She thought vampires only appeared in books or movies. Never had she in her life wished that she would meet one. She wouldn't deny that she fantasized about meeting one like Jonathan Rhys Meyers in Dracula. The blood suckers in front of her didn't sparkle and their bodies weren't cold, not all the time. Fresh blood made their bodies warm, and if they were lacked of nutrients, their skin would split.

Dark memories of the past month flooded her mind.

New faces came and left daily from out of nowhere. The male Vampists threatened to rape her; the female Vampists constantly slapped her out of jealousy. It was Vadiraj, the kingpin of the blood suckers, who had kept her alive. He fed her roasted meat, not lavishly; only sufficient to keep her going without having the strength to fight back. Ironically, he was the one who had abducted her. He wouldn't allow his men killing her, not yet, not until they had gotten whatever they wanted - the chain-mail. Elli was held captive so that her dearest one, in order to save her, would agree to craft the chain-mail for them.

Elli didn't know why those blood suckers wanted to have the chain-mail so eagerly. This battle gear was meant for medieval soldiers. No one wore them in the Millenium Era now. A war could be initiated and ended with a nuclear bomb these days. Her father once told her that he had only received a business order in his fifty years of life asking him to craft a chain-mail, and that turned out to be a birthday present which a boy would like to give to his grandfather.

Elli once overheard the blood suckers' conversation. Vadiraj had told his underlings that since the chain-mail was made with the knowledge of science, it wouldn't be destroyed by the celestial swords in their kingdom. She very much doubted that.

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