Playing in the Meadow #1

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  • Dedicated to to all my friends

Hey everyone, I'm currently not writing this book right now so I'm sorry it isn't finished. If you like it remember to vote, and if you have any questions comment please! -Ray

"50, 49, 48..." Reilly counted down. Her gorgeous Stellers Jay wings covered her eyes and the wind played with her blond hair as she yelled. She was wearing a simple white daisy petal shirt and leaves sown into pants, a classic fairy outfit. Sunlight shined through the flowers and landed on her like a spotlight like a little angel. The meadow was the best place to play " Hide and Go Seek ".

"40, 39, 38...", she yelled. Caitlin and Aisy were running away, but Claire, she was the best flyer. She flew up over the meadow with her red and green hummingbird wings and debated where to hide. Last time she hid in the abandoned burrow by the stream, she had already hid under the cave rock ( a rock with a big enough hole for a fairy to hide in ). So she decided to hide in a flower, it would take a while for Reilly to check all the flowers. Flying just above the flowers she settled on a comfortable looking closed tulip.

"30, 29, 28...", Caitlin, shortest of the three dashed to her favourite spot, her log. Her light brown hair, almost blond was in a tight ponytail, her see-through wings were closed on her back. She ducked into her log and waited. It wasn't dark at all because of her glowing back. Her firefly self never left a room dark.

"20,19,18...", Aisy didnt know where to hide, she couldn't get to a high flower, and she couldn't go far. She found three flowers all huddled together creating a little cave.

"10, 9, 8..." she jumped in the natural flower cave and waited.

"0, here i come!" Yelled Reilly. Aisy waited, and waited, and waited...


"What the..., oh its you." Aisy said to Reilly.

"Your the first fairy I found, come on, lets find the others!" Reilly giggled

"Ok", Aisy sighed

As Reilly walked towards the stream a tear fell down Aisy's cheek. She looked behind her and saw an empty un-normal back. She was a fairy, yet she wasn't. Whats a fairy without wings?

Please Vote, if you like my story! It will only take away one second of your life, and it will make someone very happy. And if you dont like it, leave a comment and I will try to improve it. Thank you, all my readers!     - Ray

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