Chapter Four: Two Fates Intertwined

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I haven’t yet slept since my last entry, I’d decided to relax but of course no one can ever let me have a break. Though this event may be one worth discussing as well it was kind of a weird one, we were attacked by some guards sent by the council but this wasn’t the usual kind of attack. First off they didn’t send hybrids, but even odder was the fact that this team, this duo, this… couple they don’t quite match.

One was a light council member and one a dark, one a fairy and one a giant, but the best part and the reason that I couldn’t help but laugh hysterically was the fact that one was a giant and the other a fairy. Though this isn’t an unheard of combination I’d never before seen a male fairy with a female giant, hell I don’t even know how they even, well you know.

But back to the pointwell ive kind of done the unthinkable.  I got slapped by a girl, and it hurt, oddly enough marry got a bit angry about that one and well she went all witchy and well beat the living hell out of that giant winch. There was fire and lightning and ice everywhere, me and the fairy just sat back and enjoyed the brawl. Well that is until I ya know crushed him like a bug , I feel bad but I had to just like I had to step in and finish off his giant bride I needed to end t before we drew too much of a commotion and more guards learned of our location. Two guards were bad enough reinforcements could have been devastating.

But apparently drawing in the blood of two beings whom were so close leads to something known as a memory leak, some monsters feed off things like this but I well I don’t. I found it awful I’ve never felt so horrid in my life I watched their first kiss their first date everything, I learned a story I never wanted to know about two beings id removed from existence. A story I must tell another day for I’m to melancholy to go on.

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