An Author's Warning

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An Author's Warning


This book contains:

1. A female (admittedly overly dramatic) lead character who has a problem with people stereotyping her as 'preppy' and 'a cheerleader' but is completely fine with people thinking she's insane.  She's also angry, very sarcastic, rude and insensitive to almost everyone. Simply put, she's quite a bitch.

She's a funny bitch though so that's a plus. (Maybe?)

Keep in mind, though, that she does have a heart somewhere beneath all bitchy, angry, sarcastic layers of hers.

She will disappoint you more than once and she has a million flaws to her. But that's what makes her real and human and three-dimensional to me (and, hopefully, to you too).

2. Swearing – more than some people are used to or would like.

3. An actual plot – slow-moving maybe but it's there – and a few "morals".

4. Occassional bouts of hilariousness – with a bit of depth and character development every once in a while.

5. Twists and turns – maybe.


While comments and reviews are appreciated, remember that there's a person on the other side of the computer screen – the author – who reads all the comments. 

So, if you're going to critique the shit out of this book, at least leave something more than "diz buk sukzzzzz". At least tell me why it "sukzzzzz" so I can fix whatever the hell is wrong (or enjoy some more of your horrendous spelling).


Lastly, steal any part of this book and I will launch a thousand rabid hyenas on your sorry pathetic ass.

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