Chapter 1: New life

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 "Dad, Dad" lazy baster "Dad get you drunken ass up" I shook up and pulled away the covers.

 "Uh...what? Go away" he pulled the covers his face.

 "Dad its 6:20 come on" I move curtains and open the window "God what died in here?" he slowly open his eyes "Eh..." there was a knock on the door "There here!" I whispered. Dad quickly got up from the bed and ran to the bathroom "Dad don't runaway!" Pussy he open the door "Let's go" he grabbed me by the arm and led me to my room "Ok pack you things!" the knock on the door was getting louder "Hurry" he whispered "Already did" this all ways happen.


 "Yes dad it's been 3 weeks we been through this before" I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bags from the closet "Ok good you ok every thing?"

 "Duh" he gave me a look "Sorry"

 "Open up!"

 "Go!" we took are things and snick down the fire escape we went down the latter I got down before me dad did. "Ok lets go" I took a deep breath I felt my stomach calling my I hold it tight trying to stay clam the fact I haven't had a real meal since. Well I can't really remember to tell you the truth me and my dad been on the run for as long as we can remember he haven't stayed in a real home since my mom died.

 My mom died when she gave birth to me well at lest that's what my dad tells me any way. I never had a chance to get to know her I don't even know what she looks like. Its hard to miss some one you never really met all my life its been me and my dad. I always tell him why doesn't he find a girl with money and may be we don't have to live like this any more but he says what girl wants to marry a dude who doesn't even have a dollar to his name, and you shouldn't love someone for money bull shit I don't care what he says if I see a chance to make money I take that's why every chance we get every spot we make I try my best to leave with something not nothing. In this world if you have nothing you're a no body. School doesn't start until next week for most kids but for me school doesn't start until my late ass dad feels like signing the dam papers. To be honest I don't really see the point of going to school I mean you go to class, make friends, boy meets girl, teachers yell at you, you work for what a dam grade the doesn't count for anything its just a dam letter that's not going to help me in life sooner or later all that little stuff will fade away just like life. I use to have a nice pretty normal life you know and a good apartment, running water, food, friends you know things teen's days take for granted.

I went to school had ok grades my dad had a real job until. He started hanging you with the wrong crowed my mom and dad were still pretty young when they had me so and my dad never finish high school so he hand no choice. When money started to get tight and his job was on the line that's when he went back to his old ways started going to clubs drinking every night it got so bad he started going drugs. One day we had a fight I told him I was tried of living like this and said I'm leavening he beat me and I went to this hospital for at lest 4 day's I never felt so sick in my life they call the cops on him and I was taken away from him they said until he cleans up his act I will never see him again. It's been 3 months since that happen I can say his trying but it's not enough.

 "Willow stay close" he held on to my hand "Dad I'm not a baby" I let go if his hand we walked in to a huge crowed "Taxi!"

 "Where we going this time?" he didn't say I word cause I new he did not know he never knows where he's going eh he makes me sick sometimes we went in side the taxi "Uh..Bus station please" I look at him Again we all ways move out of town we never stay in the same place this means I had to go to a different school again. I stared out the window as we leave town I saw kids playing out side, some kids with there family others just got back from there vacation just people enjoying there last few weeks of summer I turn and looked at my dad fast asleep I bet the was some party Hun I rolled my eyes my stomach kept making noise "Eh.. Dam it" I hold my stomach tight it wouldn't stop the drive was looking at me threw his rear view mirror "Problem?"

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