Chapter 17 - Meeting The Friends...And The Enemies.

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“Apparently there’s one of the usual parties at Will’s place tomorrow night. It would be awesome if you could come...” Aaron said, putting his phone back in his pocket after reading a text message.

I hesitantly asked, “Is that okay with you? I mean your friends knowing about me...your social image...and everything?”

He rolled his eyes. “C’mon! What are we, characters in a stupid teen drama chick-flick? I don’t think so. Of course I want you to come with me.”

I scrunched my nose as I thought back to the last party I’d been to.
“I’d rather stay home and read instead of going to the noisy, crowded party, but okay. If you insist, I’ll come.”

“I do. Plus, it won’t be too bad this time. Since you’re going as the great Aaron Miller’s girlfriend and all.”

“You’re right. It won’t be too bad.”
I nodded my head, as if agreeing with him.
It’ll be worse!”

The darned smirk didn’t falter one bit, remaining plastered on Aaron’s face like I hadn’t even spoken.
“Only if you let all the jealous stares from everyone else bother you.” He quipped.

“Ooh look! The sunset’s so pretty. I can’t believe we’ve been here for so many hours, just talking.” I said in wonder, looking at the streaks of orange in the sky.

Aaron snorted. “Stop changing the subject. It’s not like you’ve never seen a sunset before.”

“Never with you.” I mumbled softly.

His face contorted into a grimace. “Aw shucks! Since when did you get so soppy and shit?”

I looked into his eyes as I replied, “Since I fell in love.”

He looked so stunned that I couldn’t help it. After a second, I burst out laughing.
“Omg! Your face was absolutely priceless right there. ‘Shit. What the hell do I say now?’ was literally written all over it.”

His eyes grew wide and he almost pleaded, “I’m still getting used to this whole boyfriend-in-love thing. So can you not put me in such a fix again?”

I laughed and patted his back. “That’s revenge for making me uncomfortable with your stupid, annoying remarks. Consider us even.”

He raised his eyebrows in amusement and asked, “What is it with you and revenge? Can’t you survive without getting back at me for every little thing I do?”

I shrugged and replied, “Guess it just goes to show that you’re not the only one with an ego.”


“Avery, meet Kyle, Will, Daniel, Zeb and Sam, whom you’ve already met.” Aaron said, gesturing to each of his friends in turn.
Then he introduced me to Will’s and Daniel’s girlfriends, Mikayla and Natalie.

“Wow. All you guys have the perfectly clichéd bad boy names.” I chuckled, looked at Aaron and asked him, “Whaddya do? Pick your friend circle based on who had the most “badass” names?”

“You’ve chosen yourself a real piece of work, man.” The guy called Zeb said to Aaron, giving me an amused look.

Mikayla grinned at me and said, “So you are the famous girlfriend of Aaron Miller, huh?”

I laughed nervously and nodded. “Yup. That’s me. But I doubt famous can be used to describe me-”

“Excuse me? Did somebody just use the words Aaron Miller and girlfriend in the same sentence? Cause I know for a fact that he doesn’t have one.”
The girl who had spoken, walked up to us and flipped her hair before continuing, “He’s been waiting for me to be his girlfriend for a while now. We just seemed to like, connect instantly.”

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