The Cliché

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A/N: Okay, so we all know that cliche story where the "straight" bad boy somehow falls for the gay nerd and goes through some crisis and blah blah blah, right?

Well, I took that plot and mixed it up a bit and this one shot was born! :D

I really hope you all enjoy it! A vote and/or comment will be greatly appreciated! (this shit is nearly 21,000 words holy shitttttt) 

I really hope I was able to show the emotions behind this fic as well as they played in my head :/

Apologies that I haven't uploaded shit in so long, I've just been busy with life and school :'(

Dedicated to Jordan because don't we just LOVE cliches? xP

Anyway, enjoy! ~


~*The Cliché *~  

There was only one reason why Gennady Yartsev was attending Mr Crompton's period today and it was because he wanted to get his test results. Just like everybody else, he was anxious to know if he'd passed or failed. The conceited part of his brain told him; of course you've passed! You're a genius! But that didn't stop the tell-tale speed up of his heart beat when the tall, plump teacher called the person a couple names before his for their session and it would be his turn soon.

He rolled his tongue around in his mouth, distractedly playing with the little black ball of his tongue piercing and staring at the doodle he'd been working on since the class started. He didn't think he was that much of an artist, but at least he tried.

The sketch was of someone's face, just barely there, but the hair, eyebrows, eyes and the hint of a nose and mouth were visible on the lined page of his notebook. If any of his classmates looked hard enough – or he'd not been such a shitty artist – they probably would instantly recognize who exactly Gennady was sketching – so he started altering the drawing, biting his lower lip and inwardly cursing himself for being obsessed.

Because his surname began with a 'Y', he was the last person in class to get his review. Abigail Vernon was probably half-way done with her review with James Crompton, their sixty year old geography teacher, when Gennady felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, the familiar beep alerting him of a text message, the sound loud in the relatively quiet classroom.

James looked up from whatever he was saying to Abigail, raising an eyebrow and giving him a sharp reprimanding look and Gennady only shrugged in apology before sliding his phone out of his pocket to read a text message from Elhan.

Got some blow – see you behind the school? Xxx

Gennady grinned at the message and was just texting an affirmative, his day made instantly brighter, when James called his surname.

"Yartsev," James called in his naturally cheery voice and Gennady pushed the phone back into his pocket, text unfinished, grabbing his backpack and making his way to the front desk, a seat placed opposite it to receive his review.

As he got comfortable, James pulled out his test result sheets and feedback and Gennady wasn't that surprised to see the big "A*" marked in red and his score of hundred per cent – Geography was one of his favourite subjects after all.

"This was brilliant as usual," James began with a smile which faltered when Gennady's phone rang again, and his eyebrows shot into his hairline when Gennady rudely pulled the phone out to look at the text message, smiling a bit before looking up at his teacher.

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