(21) Say It

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Chapter Twenty-One.

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                “So… You’re saying that there is a way out.”


                “And you know the way out.”


                I scoffed. “Brent, how are you going to tell me that you know what to do because of a silly little dream?”

                “It wasn’t just a dream, Hailee. I was struck by lightning.” Brent grabbed my hand and squeezed it firmly.

                “And what, did you have a vision?” I jeered, grinning at him.

                He gave me a flat look. “I’m serious.”

                I looked down to our hands and stared at them, speaking slowly. “And… what exactly do you want to do?”

                “It wasn’t all extremely clear. I just know that we have to give each other something.”

                I barked in laughter, but stopped when I remembered the two sleeping girls next to me. “Nice try to get me to sleep with you.”

                Brent scowled and let go of my hand, getting up from my bed. “I wasn’t talking about that.”

                A blush blossomed on my cheeks, and I sat there lamely, pouting. “Oh.”

                Brent opened the door and paused to look back at me. “Well I have to go. Tell Meg and Andrea to call me when they wake up.”

                “Ok,” I said and then what Brent said sunk in. The door closed at the same time. “Wait! Brent!” I scrambled off of my bed and sprinted towards the door, opening it to see Brent turn the corner of the hallway. I ran to my closet and slipped on some shoes and grabbed my bag, and then rushed back towards Brent, arriving at the front door at the same time he was opening it. “Brent.”

                He stopped, his hand on the doorknob. “What?”

                “I didn’t mean that, I-“

                “You meant exactly what you said,” he interjected, a hard look on his face.

                “No, I didn’t. Brent, listen to me,” I walked over to the door, closer to him, “I would never think you want to use me.”

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