Masquerade {Ch.15}

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“About what?” She asked as I sat on her bed.

I looked at her sadly “This isn’t going to work out” I said apologetically.

“You mean us?” She asked motioning a finger between us and I nodded. I waited for crying, screaming, or even hitting but all I saw on her face was a light smirk. “It’s Monet isn’t it?” She asked, but not in revenge type way but in a way that was light and happy.

“Uh…uh” I started but stopped feeling my face heat up. I looked up at her mirror and saw my face lightly dusted in red.

“Awe! You guys are mates huh?” Harley asked sitting down beside me on her bed.

I weakly nodded “I think so” I said. God I’m so girly right now.

“So when are you going to tell her? It better be soon because someone else has their sights set on her” She said and I gave her a cold look.

“I don’t really know” I said thinking. I can’t explain the feelings I have towards Monet, she drives me crazy! I hate her but I love her. She could abuse me and use me and I would still follow her like a lost puppy anywhere she went. I’m pretty sure this is what being mates feels like. I just hope she feels the same, especially after what I’ve put her through.

Harley moved to her computer chair and put a finger to her chin to express that she was thinking. Spinning around a few times in the chair then stopping letting out a gasp and grabbing my attention from the lovely Monet.

“I know!” She exclaimed and I raised an eyebrow. “I have a plan for you to tell her” She said a looked around as if she was afraid someone was listening. She hopped over to the bed beside me and pulled my ear down to her mouth to whisper her plan.


After we discussed it a while Tala had come up and got me from the room and drove me back to the pack house. I could already feel the nerves twisting in my gut about the plan. I got to the door and realized, how in the world and I going to face her?

I walked into the house and sighed going into the living room and sitting down next on the couch only to see in the chair beside the couch Connor sat watching TV. I smiled thinking about Monet; wow I’ve really got in bad don’t I?

At that moment I felt a pressure on my throat and not being able to breath, then the thud and pain of being up against a wall with a hand holding me up by my throat. I hear myself let out a choking noise and I give an icy glare at Connor who is the culprit. He was giving me a animalistic look.

“Now let’s get one thing straight. I don’t like you; no I loathe you. I have a feeling I know what’s up and I swear if you hurt her in any shape, form, or fashion I will kill you faster that you can even change into a pathetic excuse for a wolf” He growled. If he doesn’t calm down soon he’s going to change from losing his temper. I’m getting light headed quick and I could tell another minute or so without oxygen and I was going to pass out.

“Do I make myself clear?” He threatened and my idiot wolf had to go a get prideful so I stayed silent making no movement.

“What are you doing!?” I heard a shriek and in surprise he dropped me and I let a huge gasp for air losing focus for a minute and crumpling onto the floor. “We are supposed to be protecting him not killing him!” I heard Monet’s voice. It’s like music to my ears. All of a sudden I felt warmth beside me and being held as I sat myself up “Are you okay? She asked with worry getting really close to my face. If only I had the guts to lean a little closer and just touch her lips to mine.

“I’m…fine” I said drawing in another breath of sweet air.

“Get out of here Connor, I’ll be sure to let mom and dad know of your little stunt” She said and I saw her eyes turn cold as steel as Connor let out a huff and left stomping. “Are you sure you’re okay?” She asked and I nodded standing up while she kept a cautious hand on my arm the whole time.

“I’m fine now” I said sounding like a pouting kid because my pride was scratched.

“Awe, did someone’s pride get hurt because he isn’t top dog?” She cooed.

I sent a glare at her precious face “Not at all” I said.

She rolled her eyes “I’m sure” she grinned and as much as I didn’t want to I smiled back at her.

“Are you seriously okay? I could have Ryan check you out, he’s the pack doctor” She asked still concerned and I felt a pang of hurt. She’s still worried about me after what I did to her.

“I’d rather have you check me out” I winked without even thinking.

She went red and looked down “I’ve got to go” She said quickly shuffling out after I regained my balance. Great I bet I just ruined my chances.

Ugh I need a drink.

(Monet’s POV)
It’s the night of the dance and I am a ball of nerves making sure I look okay.

After I slipped on my dress I fixed my makeup perfectly to go with my dress and I was finally ready with about twenty minutes to spare. Jace and I had decided that he would pick me up about thirty minutes before the dance started which started at seven and ended at eleven.

I grabbed my phone and stuck it in my strapless bra and slipped on the fingerless gloves. Then I walked out with my mask in hand.

I knocked on Jay’s door and out she stepped looking adorable “Awe you look so cute” I said pinching her cheek and she swatted my hand.

“Hey hands off the merchandise, what about you? You look like the sexiest bad-ass I’ve ever seen!” She exclaimed as we walked down the stairs. Well more like she bounced.

I walked down into the living room to see a ton of people in there probably just waiting to see us. On the couch sat Dad and my now round stomached Mother. Beside them were Connor and the Twins. Then scattered throughout the room was all the original pack members whom I considered my uncles and their mates, even some of Dad’s family was there.

As soon as we came in all eyes snapped our way “Awe, Yuma look at our baby she’s growing up!” Mom said being all dramatic and hormonal jumping up and attacking me into a hug.

“Yes she is” Dad said coming up behind her. I had a chance to glance over and see Uncle Alick and Aunt Bree hugging Jay same as Mom was hugging me.

They finally let go and I took a deep breath “You look great” Connor said coming up to me quietly and looking at the floor. I’ve been upset with him ever since the incident with Adrian.

“Thank you” I said nicely and he looked up and gave me a hug stepping back and then the twins stepped up.

“You look-“ Aaron started “beautiful” Ian finished for him and they gave me and kiss on the cheek. I kept getting these until everyone was done and it was almost time for Jace to be here.

Just then there was a knock on the door.

Speak of the devil…or angel…well fallen angel.

“Get out!” I hissed at the extras as they scrambled leaving me, Jay, mom, dad, Connor, and the twins. I slipped on my mask and did a quick check before I went to the door opening it to almost swoon to death.

He was wearing a simple black tux with a white undershirt, he also had a tie on the same color red of the ribbon on my dress; but what really set it off was pinned to his tux was a brilliant red rose like on my mask. His mask was the opposite of mine; it reminded me of Phantom of the Opera. It was all white covering half his face making his bright eyes stand out and his black hair in a messy way.

“You look lovely” he whispered in his real accent. I blushed a bit.

“Thank you, you look very swoon worthy to” I said.

A cocky smirk slipped onto his face “I know” He said normally.

“Do you want to come in for a second?” I asked politely hoping he would say no.

“Of course” He said grinning knowing I didn’t want him to.

I let out a playful growl but shut the door as he stepped in and we went to the living room with everyone else. I saw everyone giving him funny looks. I know he doesn’t smell human but he doesn’t smell like a fallen angel either. He can do this cool thing to his scent he showed me.

“Everybody this is Jace” I said and he gave an award winning smile and a slight bow.

“Jace this is my mom, dad, and my brothers” I said motioning towards them one by one.

“It’s a pleasure” He said to all of them. He seemed to know all the tricks; he stayed a good distance away from me but still showed interest, he was polite and amazing. He even had Connor smiling.

“Well we have to go” I smiled giving mom a kiss and rubbing her stomach for giggles.

“Bye honey, be careful!” Mom said as I left and Skye and Jay followed in their own vehicle.

Jace opened the passenger’s side door for me and I slid in. He started the car up in a flash and we were on our way.

“So which accents do you like better modern or old timey?” He asked joking.

I gave his a serious answer though “I’m not gonna lie, your old accent makes me swoon” I grinned cheekily at him.

“Well then swoon you shall” He said in his accent and I sighed.

“Yep I defiantly swoon” I said and he laughed as we drove down the road just chatting about random things and me getting used to his real accent and the way he spoke.

“So what was it like?” I asked.

“I beg your pardon?” He said and I let out a giggle.

“What was it like back when you were really alive?” I asked like an awe stuck child.

“Well, it was in England in seventeen-sixty five just at the beginning of the European industrial revolution and when the stamp act was imposed on American colonists. It was wonderful to be honest. I was to be married or as you people call it engaged and I was hard working making enough money for us to live off of for many years to come, but one day I was walking down the road, I was a well-known man back where I’m from and known for my money. I was robbed and beaten to death by my own kinsman” He shuddered.

“You don’t have to talk about it” I said gently laying an arm on his realizing he had an iron grip on the steering wheel.

“No I want to” He nodded.

“Well if you don’t mid me asking, why were you cast out?” I asked softly.

“That’s another story for another time” He smiled as we pulled into the school seeing the parking lot almost filled. We found a parking spot and he turned off the car “So I’m the first guy you’ve been to a dance with since your first year of high school?” He asked seductively in his accent. I made a gulping noise and nodded not trusting my voice not to crack. “Great” He said the accent gone. I frowned I thought he was going to keep the accent. As if he knew what I was thinking he winked “The accents just for you” He said and I blushed a deep red as he got out of the car.

Two seconds later he was at my door and opened it for me “Thanks” I mumbled as he stuck his hand out for me to take and I did. He kept a hold on my hand as we walked into the school gym. Everywhere you looked where people in masks, most actually unrecognizable.

 “What do you want to do first?” I asked him looking up into his eyes and he gave me a cunning smile.

“Want something to drink?” He asked and I gave him a nod as he led me over to a wall away from the crowd. “Stay here and I’ll be back with something to drink” He winked and I just smiled as he disappeared.

“Hello my puppy” I heard and looked up to see a smile showing two fangs and a dark mask covering the rest of the face.

“Hello my fang face!” I said happily.

“You look amazing” He said leaning against the wall with me.

“So do you” I smiled. “So did you come with anybody special?” I winked.

“I actually did, and I see him right now so I have to go. If you need anything just yell you know I will hear you” He winked as he took off walking towards a group of guys.

“Who was that?” I heard and the breath was sucked out of me. If I thought Jace made me swoon then I should pass out right now. Right before me stood Adrian, his hair a mess and his eyes shining brightly through his black mask that covered the top half of his face from my view. I wanted to jerk that mask off just to bask in the glory of his face.

I took a huge breath to reclaim my air “Xander” I said “Where’s Harley?” I asked looking around for her dress.

He was about to say something when “Here!” I heard and right beside Adrian was a bright happy Harley decked out.

A second later Jace was back beside me and reaching me a cup of Pepsi “Sorry, there were tons of people” He said and gave a look towards Harley and Adrian. I downed the drink “Want to dance?” Jace asked as a slow song came on.

I took his hand as he slowly led me onto the dance floor. I followed diligently and he politely put a hand in mine and one on my waist as I put my free one on his shoulder. The beautiful violin music played as he led me across the floor doing all the work. It was I saw people stopping and watching us as he twisted me around and pulled me back in fancy ways. Just like they had done in ballroom dancing I suppose in his time.

The song ended and he held me balanced in his arm “That was gorgeous” I said grinning.

“So are you” He said in his accent that sent a shiver up my spine. I’m not sure whether it’s because he’s a fallen angel and they tend to have that effect or if it’s just him in general. Another song started up as my blush faded and we got back into slow dancing position but we took it regular this time. As we just slowly danced all of a sudden I saw Adrian come up from behind Jace with a worried look on his face. He then tapped Jace on the shoulder and we both looked at him.

Adrian then gave a smile that made my heart flutter “Can I steal her for a dance?” He asked politely but with a streak of finality and authority I was a bit proud of for some reason.

Jace gave a cold stare at him then turned to me “Okay” Then get leaned down and kissed my cheek “Save me another dance?” He asked. All I could do was nod.

Adrian decided to dance in a more intimate way putting both hands on my waist and I put both arms around his neck, for some reason I didn’t want to push him away. It just felt so right.

We swayed back and forth just enjoying each other’s company and I leaned my head on his shoulder causing him to hold me tighter and closer. I loved the heat he gave me and I sighed. I really need to stay away from this guy; he’s my friend’s boyfriend.

“You look great tonight” Adrian whispered in my ear and I shivered but caught the faint scent of alcohol coming off his breath.

“Thank you, but are you drunk?” I asked leaning back and looking at his face.

He grimaced “No, I’ve only had two I promise. You know how much it takes for us to get drunk off of” He said. Even though I didn’t agree with drinking he was right. It would take about seven to get a werewolf even tipsy. So I nodded believing him and the song ended. I was about to move away but Adrian didn’t let go of my waist “Lets go get some air?” He asked pleadingly and something pulled me towards him.

“Okay” I said following him out of the stuffy gym into the cool night air and he led me into the edge of the trees of the forest. He did a dead stop turning to be in my personal bubble, but I didn’t mind. “What’s this about?” I asked breathing in his scent. Mint with a hint of alcohol, it’s pretty intoxicating.

“I need you to listen to me without interruption, okay?” He said determination in his eyes and I nodded a bit confused “When I came here I was a wreck, nothing but a drunken teen with the burden of his packs death on his shoulders, but in the short time I’ve been here I’ve turned it around…It’s just…You’re...” He stuttered and then growled in frustration “I broke up with Harley” He finally spit out and I went wide eyed in confusion. They are perfect for each other! Why?

“Why?” I breathed out noticing it was hard for my words to squeeze out because of his closeness and his scent overcoming my nose.

“Because she’s not you” He whispered and a second later his lips where on mine.

Things just got a lot more complicated.  
Sorry it's took so long.
Hope this makes up for it ;)
Tell me what you think!!!!!!!!
Wo ai Ni
Peace, Love, & Unicorns <3

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