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I didn’t realise I had fallen asleep until I woke up. Instantly the feeling of hunger hit me. I remembered I hadn’t eaten since the night before everything went hectic. I got out of my tent and went straight into the prison in search of some food and water.

Hershel was feeding the baby and everyone was also eating. Daryl was on the steps making me have to walk past him. I felt his eyes focus on me, then he went back to eating. Beth, Maggie, and Carl were sat next to Hershel, eating as well. I was greeted by some “Good mornings.” and “How was your sleep?”. I gave them simple responses, not feeling in the mood to talk to them.  I grabbed some crackers we had in a cardboard box labeled “food” and sat down on the other steps, not where Daryl was, next to T-Dog. The steps Daryl were on faced the steps T-Dog and I were on. While the steps we were on faced the wall and entrance to the boiler block where Rick was.

After I had said a short and quiet “Good Morning.” to T-Dog, all was quiet. Until Rick’s voice interrupted the silence.

“Everybody okay?” He asked, as he entered the cell block. I took notice of his tired and worn out face with blood on it.

“Yeah, we are.” Maggie responded for all of us.

Rick walked slowly toward Hershel and the others at the table

“What about you?” I asked.

“I cleared out the boiler block.” Rick said, not answering my question.

“How many were there?” Daryl asked.

“I don’t know. A dozen, two dozen,” T-Dog handed Rick his doo-rag to clean his face up. “I got to get back. Just wanted to check on Carl.” Rick said as wiped his face clean. Now Glenn stepped up.

“Rick, we can handle taking out the bodies. You don’t have to.”

“No. I do.” Rick said trying to make it clear that doing this will take his thoughts off Lori’s death. Rick made his way to me right after his response to Glenn not wanting to hear any more from him.

“Everyone have a knife and a gun?”

“Yeah, running low on ammo though. I was planning on making a run this afternoon.”

“Alone?” Rick asked, concerned. I get that he didn’t want to lose anymore people, but I took offence. It sounded like he thought I couldn’t handle myself. Before I could let my anger out, Daryl spoke up.

“I’ll be going with her.”


Author's Note:

HAAAAYO, so tommorow I start school. Gross, right? This sucks and just wish me luck, okay?

What do you think will happen on Aria and Daryl's run?




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