Chapter 2: Science

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As i get a better look at Lindsay, I realize that she was beautiful. More beautiful than Lauren was.

Lindsay was in the same homeroom class as me. I just never got the chance to talk to her because of Lauren. "You don't want to talk to that loser, do you?" That was only one out of the many insults Lauren would give to Lindsay.

"Um, so see you in school tomorrow," I say, scratching the back of my neck. Man, I'm a nervous wreck. (A/N: OMG THAT RHYMED XD :3).

She smiles and turns one-hundred and eighty degrees towards her house. I loved the way she walked. It wasn't those fancy walks or anything like that. (A/N: a fancy walk is where you put one foot after another. It's like walking in a straight line.) It was a normal, teenager-ish walk.

I smile and squint my eyes from the sun glaring down at me. If only she was mine. . .


Did my crush actually just save my life? Was this all a dream? I pinch myself on my arm a couple of times just to make sure it wasn't a figment of my imagination.

{ The Next Day }

Loving him is like driving a new Maserati down a dead end street...

I throw my textbooks and notebooks in my cluttered locker as I sing lyrics from Taylor Swift. I still couldn't believe Mitch saved my life the other day. Speaking of Mitch, where's Lauren? She hasn't pushed me into a locker or called me an insulting name all day. She was probably kissing Mitch up a storm in the janitor's closet or something. I roll my eyes at the thought.

I slam my locker closed and pick up my backpack. To my surprise, Mitch was standing only inches away from me. "Oh, sorry. I didn't see you standing there," I say, a weak smile forming across my face. "It's okay; I was coming to see you, actually," he replies. "Oh, really?" I say with a cocked eyebrow. Before I knew it, a smile was already forming on my face.

He smirks. "Yes, really."

"What did you come to see me for? Don't you want to talk to Lauren instead?" I say flatly. Mitch, my crush, the popular guy, wanting to talk to me? It was hard to believe. Then again, he did save my life. But what does that have to do with anything? For all I know, Mitch saved my life just because he wanted to be a nice person.

"Hello?" He snaps his fingers in front of my eyes, snapping me out of my trance. "Did you hear any of that? Do I have to repeat everything I just said?"

"Yes," I laughed. "Sorry, I didn't catch any of that. I guess my mind was..." My voice trailed off. "Elsewhere."

He snickers. "Alright. I broke up with my girlfriend yesterday. I saw Lauren kissing another guy behind my back. Literally." He pauses. Mitch looked like he was in deep thought. "Well, see you in Science class!" He says it a little too quickly and takes off before I could say anything.

The bell rings. What perfect timing!

After Mitch turns the corner, I rewind our whole conversation. Wait. Didn't he need to tell me something? Oh, well. I'll remind him in Science.


I enter the classroom with my backpack swung over one shoulder. I scan the room for Mitch, and soon enough, I see him digging through his backpack, probably looking for his notebook. With luck, I see an empty seat next to him. My eyes light up and I sprint towards the seat, jumping over backpacks and tripping over desk legs. As soon as I reach the desk, a girl slaps her hand on the desk. I look up to see one of Lauren's friends, Ashley. "Oops," she said sarcastically as she sits down next to Mitch.

Anger was flowing through my arteries. She just took my seat, right next to Mitch! I look over at him and he flashes a smile. A sheepish smile plasters my face as sit behind him.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes whenever I saw Mitch and Ashley flirting with each other, mostly Ashley. They kept stealing glances at each other, which made me sick to the stomach. It was like they were doing that on purpose to make me jealous. It was hard to pay attention when you could hear loud, girly giggles whenever we were doing an assignment. Nearing the end of Science the teacher made an announcement.

"Based on what you learned from today's lesson, which was how to disect a frog, you and one other person from the other sex must do research on frogs. How many kinds of frogs are there? What do frogs eat? Are they harmless? What position are they on the food chain?" There were many groans echoing the classroom. The teacher continued. "I know you learned this in middle school, but I must know your mature answers. There must be fifty words or more on each question." This really set of my class. One person shouted "What?!" Another said: "That's bull!" The teacher ignored them. "This is due next week! You may choose your partner," The man takes papers from his desk and passes them out on everyone's desk. As soon as he was done passing out the assignment, the bell rang. Everyone rushed out, including the teacher. Mitch and I were the only ones in the classroom.

He was looking down at his feet and fumbling with his fingers. Then, he looks up to meet my gaze. "I was wondering if we could be partners?" Mitch looks at my lips and then back to my eyes. I guess he could see my eyes sparkling from here.

"Um..." My voice fades. Why did he choose me over all the popular girls? He does know that there are about ten other girls in my class. Does he? "Sure! I would love too!" I swear I could see excitement in his eyes when I spilled the words.


My eyes flashed. She actually said yes! I knew I was good with girls, but when I'm around Lindsay, my heart stops. I bet if she was my girlfriend, she would treat me better than Lauren. "So... my house?" I question eagerly. "Sure!" Lindsay flashed a look of hope in her eyes, but it quickly disappeared. "I left my car near the curb where the Golden Gate Bridge was. It's probably being towed right now." A look of disappointment crossed her face. Memories flashed back; When she was about to jump, me holding her back. Now we were here.

"I'm sorry I don't have a ride, unless you do." Then, I remembered that Jerome still had my black mini-van.

"My best friend still has my car." I knew Lauren didn't know who Jerome was, so i hid his name with another noun.


"But, we can still walk to my place! My house is only twenty minutes away." She flashes a smile.

"See you later. Bye!" Lindsay winks at me, which made my heart melt. If only I could make her mine, I would see those winks everyday for the rest of my life.

A/N: Hey guys! I'm trying my best to update, but things are really crazy right now! I have writer's block for One Wish, so it's on hold as of today! See you in the next update.

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