Wal-Mart Zombies (6) - Mistakes

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NEW CHAPTER!!!! Sorry it took so long


Tori's P.O.V

"Oh shit!" I said sitting up fast taking the sheet to cover my naked body.

What have I done I thought putting my head in my hands.

I got up fast and pulled on my clothes. This is something that I can't run from like I usually would. I'm going to see him everyday of my life. He wasn’t some drunk guy I would never see. He was Jason... the guy who lives in Wal-Mart with me.

"Jason!" I said shaking him

"I DONT WANNA!" he replied half asleep

"JASON!" I said holding back my laughter.


I watched his eyes slowly open. The color of them still cause me to hold my breath.

"We need to talk." I said throwing his clothes at him.


Tess' P.O.V



"Do you think this will end?" I paused "The zombies I mean."

"I don't know.."

It was not what I wanted to hear and Gabe knew it because he pulled me closer to him. But it was the truth and I knew it.

"Don't worry, okay?"

"Okay.." I said looking up at him.

He started to kiss my face when Natalie ran in struggling for breath.

"I----need----to-----talk-----to----you." she panted

I looked from her to Gabe and his face was as confused as mine was.

"What it is?" Gabe said sitting up.

Natalie held up one finger. Gabe and I sat there looking at each.

"Sorry I ran" she said laughing.

"What did you have to tell us?" Gabe said looking at her.

'Oh yeah. Well I don't know if you heard but I did. Tori and Jason have gotn...close.."

"Natalie all up in peoples business." I said laughing.

"WOW! Natalie really!?" Gabe said laughing loudly.

Natalie folder her arms in frustration and left.

"Looks like we are not the only people who have gotten close.." he said leaning into me.

"Gabe!" I said pushing at him.

"What?" he laughed.

I looked up at him and smiled. He was everything I wanted and needed right now. While the world was going to shit. I had someone to help me forget all the terrible things happening around us. I layedback onto the bed and looked up at the ceiling. I started to laugh because me and Natalie did this one time when she stayed over and she kept going on and on about how good of a kisser Kendell was. I remember hitting her with my fluffy pillow. We just kept hitting each other till she tumbled onto the floor. We both laughed so hard we cried.

"Whats so funny?"Gabe said leaning over me.

"Oh nothing just thinking about stuff" I said leaning up and kissing him on his lips.


I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought his face closer to mine.

"I'm so lucky to have you." I said before our lips touched

"No I'm the lucky one" he said smiling at me as our lips parted from one another.


Tori's P.O.V

“So it is decided. No one will know?”

“Yep” Jason said as he pulled up his pants.

“Okay..” I said as a smile spread across my face.

I felt like I was used, well I guess that is what happens when you use someone for a really stupid reason. I felt like I needed to take a shower and forget about all of this.


I turned toward Jason.

“I like you.. I'm sorry I used you..”

“I like you too...and I'm sorry for using you too”

We stood there looking at each other for a moment then walked away. I headed toward the shower, well all it was, was a shower head connected to a sink. But it was all I had.

“TORI!”Natalie said running up to me.

“Hey Natalie. What is it?”

“What is going on with you and Jason?”

My jaw dropped. She didn't know..did she..

“Nothing why?”I said as I started to play with my hair. I did that when I was nervous.

“Umm because.. I kind of saw you two last night..and heard you..”

“Oh...I don't want to talk about it” I said running into the bathroom.

My heart was pounding hard in my chest. This was just great everyone was going to think I was a slut now...


I slammed my hands into the bathroom wall and started to scream. That seemed to be the way I handled every bad thing that happened. I missed Ryan..He was probably dead now.. He was my ex-boyfriend who joined the army right after he graduated High School. He left me behind to deal with my drunken mother and crazy dad by myself. I just wish he was here now to hold me and tell me everything will be okay...


Andrew's P.O.V.

The air hit my face hard. It felt so great. I didn’t know how much I missed the simply things, like fresh air. It felt great to be outside. I set a crate in between the door and the wall to keep it open. I knew I wasn’t suppose to be outside but I just missed seeing the blue sky, the grass, everything so much and it was getting so boring in there that I couldn’t stay inside any longer. No zombies where out here. They must not of known we were here, stupid things. I swear they make me look smart...and that’s saying something. I lifted my head toward the sky and looked at the clouds pass. I felt like a little kid. I miss how everything was so easy when you were a little kid. I missed it all, my life, my family....nothing was ever going to be the same. I looked around and saw a young women walk through the parking lot. She didn’t notice me. I watched her walk. Her back leg dragged behind her and her head was bent in a weird position. There was blood covering her face and neck. It wasn’t hard to see that she had been bitten in her neck because a giant piece of it was missing. I felt sorry for her because she would never get to kiss the person she loved one last time, or even get to see them.. It pulled at me heart. I would rather be dead then one of them. As I stood there I noticed that the zombie had noticed me and made that terrible groaning noise and started to run, well it was more of a sprint, toward my direction..


FInaly done :D I hope all you fans like it as much as I do.

What do you think will happen to Andrew? Will he make it O.o

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