Final- Chapter thirteen part two.

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 Final- Chapter thirteen part two.. Lost memories.

After the police arrested Jackson; they drove Jack to the nearest hospital around. Eddie and I waited in the hospital lobby; we weren’t allowed to go any further. The only thing that could save Jack’s life was surgery; the bullet caused server damage in his brain, and the surgeons are removing the bullet. It took them six hours to finish his surgery..

Ten o’clock that night.

“I can’t believe Jack had to see all that..” I said siting in the cold lobby.

“I know. I’m so worried how this will affect him later on.” Just then the doctor came out of an elevator. Eddie rushed up along with me.

“How is he, doctor?”

“He made it through surgery. He should be fine, but the bullet caused enough damage for memory loss. He’s asleep upstairs if you want to see him. Does he have any parents or guardians to escort him home when he’s able?”

“His parents were murdered around four o’clock today..”

“Then he’ll have to be put in foster care.. I can escort you to his room if you like.” Eddie and I shook our heads at the doctor, and we followed him to Jack’s room. We walked through his room door, and we found Jack asleep with his head covered in a bandage. Eddie and I hung over his bed looking down on his peaceful sleeping face.

“Imagine how he’ll feel when he wakes up… I hope he can remember us.” Eddie said.

“Only time will tell. I can’t believe Jackson would be so selfish to do this to him.” Just then a flash back hit me “I don’t know what I would do if I lost one of my parents. But Greg, he’s something more than a father- he’s a friend.” Those were some of the words Jack told me recently.. He’s lost both of his parents.. How will he make it without them? Then I started to cry thinking of how helpless Jack really is.. He didn’t bother anyone; why? Why would anyone deserve this?

A week later:

I’m seeing Jack again today, and Eddie came along too; the doctor said he was doing just fine, but he’s not taking the loss of his parents very well. And there are some things he can’t remember. Eddie and I walked into the room to find him awake and sitting up in his bed; he looked very depressed.

“Hey, buddy.” Eddie said standing next to his bed. He looked over at Eddie with a confused look.

“Do I know you?” He asked; he sounded completely different.

“Yeah.. we’re best buds.” He stared at him for a few moments.


“Yes that’s it! I’m Eddie, Jack..” Then he looked over at me.

“And you are? I know we’ve never met, but I must say; you are a beauty queen.”

“Jack, I’m your girlfriend. Can you remember my name?” He shook his head as he stared at me.

“My girlfriend? I’ve never had a girlfriend.”

“Jack, I promise I’m your girlfriend. I love you.”

“Oh my God! I can’t remember my girlfriend!” He grabbed his head and started to cry.

“It’s me, Harley. We’ve dater for at least a month.” He looked up at me when he heard the name ‘Harley.’ He held my face taking a good look at it.

“I can’t remember you. God, why can’t I remember you?!” Just then he stared screaming in pain and grabbing his head.

“My head! It hurts!” Then nurses rushed into the room and they made us leave.. Eddie and I waited outside the room for a few minutes.

“That was awful.” Eddie said taking a deep breath in while running his fingers through his brown hair.

“Do you think he still loves me?” I asked.

“I hope for your sake and his for that. He needs someone to love him.”

“I’ll always love him..” Then the last words he told me before he got shot came to me. “Whatever happens..  please remember me, and know that I’ll always love you no matter what. I’m sorry everything had to end like this..” He wanted me to remember him, and now he can’t remember me.

Six weeks later..

Jack just got out of the hospital and they’re getting ready to take him to a foster home that’s miles away from here. Eddie and I waited with him for the taxi to arrive. We were all quiet; you could feel the sadness in the air. Then the taxi finally showed up, and Jack put his luggage in the trunk

“Eddie, even though I can’t remember you that well; your still my best friend, and I wish I could remember you.” They hugged and a tear went down Eddie’s face.

“And you.” He walked over to me. “Even though I can’t remember you; I know I love you with everything in me, and what I would give to remember you is beyond all the money in the world. I’m sorry I cannot remember you, but you I love you.” He hugged me tightly, and I cried on his shoulder. I whispered in his ear and said,

“Can I kiss you one last time?”

“I’d love that..” Then I knew this would be our last kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and I crashed my lips into his.

“Boy, that’s familiar..” He said after we broke away. Then he got a very serious thinking look upon his face.

“Hopefully I'll remember you again someday.” He got into the taxi, and they drove away. I just hope he knows I lost someone dear to me too, and that is him. And I pray I meet him again someday..

**The End..**


Thank you so much for reading! I have to say this is one of my favorite stories I've ever written; I really enjoyed writing it, and I hope you enjoyed reading it! Please check out the sequel I'll be writing very, very soon! It will be called 'My Life As... Jack Melcom.' Please leave me your thoughts, vote and fan! Thank you so much for reading

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