Chapter Fourteen

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••• Matty Walters •••

My hand wrapped around her throat and I pushed her hard up against the wall with a loud slam, everyone gasped as I glared darkly at Riley. My wolf was on the verge of coming out, I looked down at the ring my wolf growling loudly in my head. I would recognize that ring anywhere.

"Where is she? What have you done to her?!" I roared loudly, in the distance I could hear my parents begging me to calm down but I couldn't. Riley looked at me then looked down at the ring horrified.
"She was your mate..." She said in realisation, her eyes widened and she closed her eyes.
"Where. Is. She?!" I spat at her my hand tightening around her throat, she peeled it off as if my hand was nothing and she ran a hand through her hair not looking me in the eye.

"I..." She trailed off unable to look at me, her face twisted in pain and she held her head in her hands.
"Riley I swear to god I'll kill you if you don't tell me where she is!" I growled, Riley looked down at my little mate's ring twisting it around her finger like I saw my mate do when I first met her.
"I have to go" She whispered making a move past me, my hand went up to stop her and she ducked under it using her vampire speed. Then suddenly she was gone.

I saw my family behind me looking shocked and confused. I'm not surprised I never told them about Emily, I had never told them about my beautiful innocent little mate.


I walked down the side of the road in the pouring rain, my car was broken so I had to walk everywhere. A small figure came into view through the harsh weather as I slowed to a stop. A young girl came into view and my heart stopped beating in my chest. I looked down at the girl and my wolf whispered the word in the back of my mind.

Mate... My wolf was howling in pride and I gulped clenching my fists nervously. I didn't want this to happen, I didn't want to find my mate. Not because I didn't want her, god no. It's because I can't protect her.

My eyes glazed over her and I gritted my teeth, why couldn't my mate be overweight with skin problems, of course she would have to look heartbreakingly beautiful. Wavy light brown hair fell just past her shoulders wet from the rain, her eyes were a beautiful bright green as she stared at me a faint blush on her perfect cheeks.

My breath lodged in my throat as I gazed down at her wanting nothing more than to pull the tiny girl into my arms to keep her safe. My wolf wanted her, he was in love with the unknown girl already. I groaned internally knowing this would make it so much more harder.

 "I-I'm Emily" The girl introduced, my wolf sighed at her name. It fit her perfectly. Her voice was soft, musical even. I swallowed at the sound and my lips parted as I imagined her whispering dirty things in my ear, god it's not even been two minutes of meeting my mate and I want to take her already.

"I'm sorry" I choked out as my eyes filled with tears. Emily's innocent face scrunched in confusion as she looked at me. I knew this had to be done, I had decided this a long time ago. My family were always in the middle of some war with either rogues or vampires, I decided that I would never put my mate in that kind of danger. I can't leave my family because they need me here but I can't have my mate with me.

If anyone found out I had a mate they would use it against me, it happens all the time with wolves. I would not put my precious mate in danger like that. She deserves someone who can protect her and not constantly be in danger.

I turned not wanting to stare at what I couldn't have, a small hand wrapped around my bare arm sending sparks all across my body. I froze loving the feeling of her touch, turning back to her I couldn't stop the tears rolling down my cheeks. I gave a small prayer of thanks that it was raining hard enough so she couldn't see my tears.

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