Katys mind chapter 10

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He signed an autograph for me....giving me a weirded out look as he did so.  He didn't even recognize me.

I wanted to cry. But not for the same reasons as the others. All the girls looked at me after Justin signed my autograph. It was crazy because he only signed mine. No one else. He signed mine and walked away. 

The tears came again, even though I didn't want them to. I was a big girl now. Or that's what I thought.


"Hey man you okay? Why just that one girl? Why that look? That you gave her I mean.." Kenny walked in step with me as I hurried onto my bus. I love Kenny and all that jazz, but right now I wanted to be alone.

"Kenny no offense, but can you like, leave, please?" I said feeling that knot in my stomache grow larger.  

"Yeah? I mean, sure." Kenny said kinda hurt. He stepped off the bus and the door shut behind him.  

Outside of  the midnight blue coach bus I could here Kennys' muffled voice talking with Ryan Goode.

"Where's Bieber?" Ryan asked.  

"In the bus. Did you see what happened there with that fan?" Kenny questioned. 

"Yeah. I'm worried about him. I know that look. I have given that look to a couple people back in my hometown." Ryan asked.

Why did I recognize her? Why did she give me that look? Like she knew me or something. But then again. I felt like I had known her. 

Muffled voices.  

"Yeah. Go get her." Ryan said. " I am going to talk to Bieber."

Sure enough.

"Hey kid." Ryan Goode and I are like brothers. When I am down Ry hangs around and we chill, drink Red Bull, and play door basketball. I always win. Sometimes we zip around the backstage docking area on our Segways and have epic races. He always wins the races. Then after concerts (if the weather permits) we have swag water gun fights, but I cheat sometimes and use the hose. NINJA! He always knows how to cheer me up, or cool me down. He is like the big brother I never had. He's the pure definition of awesome!

"Aye man." I said. He took a seat next to me. "What's up?" he asked looking at the ground.

"Nothing dude." I replied He looked up squinting at me.

He is always trying one way or another to figure me out. I don't think he ever will.

"Legit dude. How are you? You okay?" he asked giving me his "joker face." I laughed.

"This tour is stressing me out and putting some serious pressure on me. Yeah sure...I might just be Teen Vouges hottest kid since 19-whatever, but right now, I want my normal life back. I want to be able to go to Park 12 Cinema here in Atlanta without being bombarded with screams and crap. Y'know?"

"Yeah lil bro. I do, actually because just like you I am famous too. Because everyone knows me as your "swag man" or whatever you want to call it. When someone says Ryan Goode some girl always ends up in tears because I know you personally. It doesn't matter where I am. Africa or Trader Joes buying you some trail mix, someone always regonizes me as a "dude in your team". And sometimes it may just be a sly smile of that cashier checking me out at Trader Joes, but their facial expressions tell it all. It's annoying, yes, but you gotta adjust. You don't really have a choice."

"I think I am ready to give this all up..." I said my eyes tearing up. Ry looked at me with a smile.

"Are you sure? Justin, I want you  to think about that little girl you went to the hospital to see. Think about all of 'em. What are they gonna do when you give up? It's not like they can just pick up and move on to the next amazing kid in the line. Plus, they would have to go back to the 1950s and they wouldn't be impressed with any Frank Sinatra look-alike. Justin, they love you. They don't love Adam Lambert or Andy Sixx. They love you."

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