#5 Scott/Stiles

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I was currently waiting outside the local Beacon Hills theatre for Scott.  I don't even know why I was doing this.  Lets just say that my feelings for Scott these past few days have been.... confusing.  I've been thinking about him in ways a best friend definitely shouldn't.  I try not to, but I just can't help it.  I can't imagine what Scott would do if he found out.

I keep picturing Scott's big brown eyes and short brown hair.  His perfect tan over his very defined muscles.  Stop it Stiles I screamed in my head as I slapped my face.  People were giving me weird looks but I just ignored them.

I can't think these things about my best friend, my best friend of all people.  Especially Scott who is way too into Allison to see anyone else.  What does she have that I don't?  I'm good looking right?  No why would Scott be attracted to me, I'm just 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bones.  I'm not a werewolf, I'm not good looking, I'm nothing special.  I buried my head in my hands.  Scott would never look at me that way.

I shouldn't even be here.  I should be avoiding Scott as much as possible until I straiten out my feelings for him.  I don't want to do anything too stupid, that would ruin our friendship.  Maybe I should just-

"Hey" came Scott's voice from behind and I jumped with a shriek.

"Someone's jumpy" Scott chuckled.

"Jumpy, me?  No" I stuttered as my head twitched in nervousness.

"Are you taking a lot of Adderall again?" Scott accused in a question.

"What no, I stopped doing that a long time ago" I defended.  Scott just grinned.

"Well your acting all jumpy.  It's almost like your nervous" Scott observed.  I just scratched the back of my head in nervous habit but quickly brought it down.

"Nervous, me?  What would I have to be nervous about" I said tripping over my words.

"I don't know, that's what you'd be telling me" Scott smirked "look I know the alphas have you freaking out, but we've got it handled."  I just nodded and followed Scott into the theatre.


I kept glancing over at Scott's hand resting on the arm rest.  My fingers twitched wanting to grab his hand but I kept them in check.  I shouldn't be having these feelings.  It's not that I don't want to have the feelings, it's just that these feelings scare me.  They even over power my huge crush on Lidya. 

I shook my head and turned my attention back to the movie.  It was zombie apocalypse movie but I couldn't tell you the plot to save my life because I had spent the majority of the movie keeping my hand in check.  I watched the human couple huddled in a closet, most likely hiding from zombies telling each other their last goodbyes.  I was so focused on the movie that I completely forgot about my hand.

"Stiles, what are you doing?" Scott asked startled and I looked over to see my hand in his and I just froze.  My heart was beating at a mile a minute and I was at a loss for words.

"What's wrong, your hearts going wild?" Scott asked concerned.  I finally ripped my hand from his and tore out of the theatre.  I was humiliated.  Once outside the building I ducked my head against the wall and started hyperventilating.

"Stiles man, what's wrong?" Scott asked in freaked out tone.

"I don't know Scott, it's just all these feelings lately" I snapped as I turned to face him "I get these weird feelings around you, and I think about you in ways that I probably shouldn't.  I just don't understand them and I'm so confused and I, I, I, I-

I was cut off when Scott abruptly pushed me up against the wall and held my wrists above my head.  He looked at me with an excited glint in his eyes before pressing his lips to mine.  My heart basically exploded with emotions and the moment Scott let go of my wrists to wrap his arms around my waist, I dug my fingers into his beautiful brown locks.  He began gnawing on my bottom lip and I was moaning.  I trailed my hands down from his hair and to his perfectly sculpted cheeks.  Finally Scott looked pulled away and looked me in the eyes.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to do that" Scott smirked and I was at a loss for words.  Scott reconnected our lips and honestly, nothing could have been better.

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