"Mom, what happens between Blake and I is our business!"

"Well not until Blake is Alpha."

"I wish I wasn't a shifter," she whispered softly.

"Leslie, don't you ever say that again. If I hear that again, you will wish you couldn't speak at all. It won't do any good for you to run your mouth like that. Do you understand?"

"Yes mother."

"Good. Now go and make amends with Blake."

"I'll apologize tomorrow. I really need to get some rest."

"If you say so," her mom said a bit leery.

"A girl needs her beauty sleep," she teased. Her mom was still peeved at her. It was clear on her face and she hoped that getting her mom to crack a smile might make the rest of the night better for her.

Her mother smiled and she knew that she agreed with her decision and the fact that she smiled meant that she was already starting to forgive her daughter.

I must look like a wreck.

As she was walking upstairs to her bedroom Leslie thought about how her life was slowly slipping away from her. She had to watch what she says and does, and follow all directions given to her. Basically, she was like a house dog, trained to obey and please her master. She guessed her master is Blake.

Leslie's bedroom was decently sized. The walls are beige and bare. Her bedding has a white quilt and covered with matching throw pillows. The rest of her bedroom isn't that colorful for a teenager.  She has a dresser with a mirror, nightstand and a bookshelf filled with fiction  and fantasy novels. All of her furniture is white and is arranged so her bedroom has the most amount of floor space as possible. There was no need to decorate her room any other way because when she was officially mated to Blake she would be moving in with him into a house that is built just for them.

Her mom had asked her to stack packing up her belongings that she wanted to bring with her. Most of it would stay in her room because she didn't need all of it. Already she had packed two boxes of her things; most of it was just her favorite photos that she wanted to take with her to add photos around the place. She didn't think her place with Blake would feel like home but maybe adding some of her old memories would make things better for her. She packed a few of her favorite novels and music along with a stuffed wolf that Blake had given her when she was seven. At one point in her life she wasn't able to sleep without it. Eventually she grew out of the stuffed animal but she still cherished it.

She walked over to her window that overlooked her backyard. From there you can see the edge of the woods. She noticed a small black shape running in the woods. When her eyes narrowed she could make out the shape. It was a black wolf. This wolf was not someone from her pack because she was sure that she would've  recognized it. It also could have been a rogue which she highly doubted because not even a rogue would be stupid enough to be so close to an entire pack.

Like clockwork she yawned as Leslie decided to sleep, or rather attempt to get as much sleep as she could before she would wake up from her nightmare. She didn't bother changing into pajamas. She crawled into bed underneath her covers and sheets that smelled like fresh laundry and let darkness take over.

She was running in her human form, terrorized by what was following her. A black wolf with razor sharp teeth was trailing close behind her. She didn't bother looking back because Leslie didn't want to look at death face to face. For a second her gaze shifted to the midnight sky that was lit up by the moon.

The trees were bare as the season was changing from autumn to winter. White flakes fell from the sky causing her to shiver. The temperature was dropping quickly and her throat was cotton ball dry. She was in desperate need of water to quench her parched throat.

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