"I should of respected that"

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Justin's Pov__

It has been two years since Ariana left, she's done really well for herself and her show Victorious has finished and her album is coming out soon. Her manager is Scooter it has been for the past few months so I've been begging Scooter to tell me where she is but he doesn't tell me. I really miss her. I haven't been the same while she has gone.

"Scooter please don't do this, do you not realise how awkward this will be for me? I don't want to be here" I heard someone say which caught my attention. 

"No get on that bus right now!" I heard Scooter say in an angry tone, then a sigh was followed. I sat down watching television wondering who Scooter was talking to. I heard the bus door slam and a deep nervous breathe I frowned and looked towards the door. My mouth dropped and I stood up in shock.

"Ariana?" I said not knowing how to react to her.

"I guess" she said feeling awkward. She didn't know what do say or do with herself. I mean it has been two years and I am sure she has seen of how much of a mess I am getting myself into all sorts of shit.

"You died you hair blonde" I said trying to make pointless conversation.

"Yeah" she said hiding not to laugh because she knew that I already knew she didn't have a clue on what to say.

"I missed you" I said honestly and she sighed and she sat next to me on the couch. Ryan, Chaz and Abby come on tour tomorrow "Where have you been?" I asked.

"Just different places. Filming, recording. Just clearing my head I guess." She said and I nodded as a silence surrounded us, it was awkward "Okay, let's not make this any more awkward than it is. We had a past and it was for a long time so I have no idea where I'm going with this" she giggled and I chuckled and nodded my head.

"I missed you bad Ari, I was so lost with out you, when you left apart of me left also. I couldn't get you off my mind." I said honestly and she closed her eyes.

"Justin I still love you, but you kept huring me I can't I'm sorry maybe when we've got to know each other again, we have grew apart now Justin we are both different people." my heart kills

"Okay" I sighed

"You're dressing normal" she said

"hey what's that meant to mean?" i said in a childish voice

"Nothing, I just mean you are dressing like my Justin" she giggled making my heart flutter.

"You stalk me?" I said she shook her head

"You're Justin Bieber I see you on the news everyday" she laughed and I nodded with a grin on my face.

"Of course" I said trying to annoy her

"Really" she said seriously.

"Okay" I laughed and so did she. "Your new song? Is it good?" I asked. She gasped.

"Haven't you heard it yet Bieber I'm hurt" She put her hand on her heart and shook her head.

"Scooter didn't let me stalk you" She laughed.

"He did his job good then" She smiled

"You told him too?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I'm in the same studio as you! You really aren't that smart" She chuckled

"I am smart,  you are the one who plays the dumb girl in Victorious" I said and she scolded at me.

"Don't skit Cat" She said "That's not an act, I told them about my stories and they put it in the play" I shrugged and she giggled again.

Let Yourself Fall (Justin Bieber FanFiction) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now