The Truth Comes Out Eventually

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As we walked past the Cullens I felt a little nervous. Not because I was in "their" presence. Oh god no! But only because "they" were in my daughters presence. She had no idea who they were. I didn't like that she was clueless about what was going on, we tell each other everything, and now I must tell her about the Cullens. I don't know what her reaction will be, for my sake, i hope she doesn't want to get along with them. I still haven't gotten over the fact that they all, once again, left me helpless,defenseless, and broken hearted. But most importantly, I was pregnant! But I'm glad I got pregnant because I gave birth to the best person I could ever meet; Arabella. And now I must tell her what's on mind.

"Okay, so what is it you've gotta tell me?" Arabella asked. "Is it about those vampires?" It was like she was the one that could read my mind at the moment. I just stared at myself in the mirror in front of us trying to avoid eye contact with her. "Um actually, yes sweetie, it is about them." Her eyebrows raised in question as I spoke. I took a long, deep unnecessary breath; deciding carefully what I was going to say. I turned towards her and was about to speak, when I smelled a new yet familiar scent...two. As we both smelled the scents our heads automatically snapped away from each others face to the door. In walked two of the few people I really didn't want to see; Alice and Rosalie.

At this moment I could either do one of two things. I could either A) keep up the charade of acting like I have no idea who they are or B) confront them, tell them about all the pain and suffering they caused me, but also rub in their faces how my life has gotten better and couldn't be any better. Well, they're here now...but I'm going to have to go with Option A. Only because I haven't told Ara about them, and I want to confront all of them about it, while they were together. I also wanted to see how long it would take for them to realize just who we were; might as well take advantage of this situation, this just might be fun.

The girls walked into the bathroom. Alice seemed to be in an excited mood, while Rosalie on the other looked as if she didn't want to be here. The restroom wasn't all that big, so relatively, we were standing pretty close. They obviously didn't come to use the restroom due to the fact that they were just standing there staring at us. I could feel the hate, and envy rolling off of Rosalie. Arabella decided to say something.

"Hi, do you know where Mr. Goyens History class is? This is our first day and we don't know our way around the school that well." Ara had to make something up. ..................... They just sat there staring at us like idiots. It was a little annoying so I spoke up," Okay, if you don't want to help us, we'll just find it ourselves!" I walked in between the two of them, with Ara's hand in mine, and purposely bumped shoulders with Rosalie. She let out a low hiss. I turned around giving them an innocent smile," Oh I'm so sorry...honestly". They could tell that I'd done it on purpose but Alice gave Rosalie a disapproving look and that settled her down. I opened the door and was about to walk out when someone shouted after us," Hey!" Alice...of course, "We didn't catch your names."

I squeezed Ara's hand signaling her to speak first," Oh forgive us, I am Arabella, and this is my older sister...Isabella." I could see the little wheels beginning to turn in there heads. We headed out the door, leaving the confused Alice and Rosalie in the restrooms.

We walked down the hallway towards the classroom. Of course we already knew where the classroom was, we memorized the school map. I figured now would be the best time to tell Ara about the Cullens. The hallway was empty and we probably wouldn't get another chance like this. "Isabella,Arabella, wait up!" Ugh! Great! Alice was walking up to me and Ara, with Rosalie in tow. "We are headed towards Mr. Goyens classroom too, perhaps you would like to walk with us... I figured you guys would need help getting there.  

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