chapter 2

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it cant be no he's dead

Yes thats his name you know him ms Tara

Yes i do we were very close you can say

Edward came out just as that

I though you were dead this cant be! i thought

this cant be shes alive he tough

im here Edward its really me cousin dear i tough back

you read minds? he asked dazed

I nodded and i can tell if you lying i whispered knowing he would here

Carlisle im so sorry this is my cousin tara i didnt think she was alive Edward said to the man

i looked up and waved

Edward this is wonderful Carlisle said must tell Bella

he gulped just as i did

she must hunt i looked up

no please i wish not to harm Humans i said fighting to use my voice i need to hunt fast

Carlisle take care of Bella im going hunting with Tara

he dragged me deep in to the woods

Edward i dont want to hunt people i said

he laughed People were hunting animals he though so no one heard

Is that possible??

Of course just  follow the scents

i did and i smelled a odd scent

now run after it

i did as told and cough a deer with out thinking i dug my fangs into its skin

i sat back up on my knees and laughed

Better Tara?? he said laughing a little

i looked up at him and tackled him down in a hug

HOW I MISSED YOU!!!! i said alittle to loud

he hugged back so have , Tara who you know made you? he whispered

Felix i said in my mind i dont wish to speak of it just yet

he nodded

after a little longer of hunting the burning went down a little

im still thirsty Edward

It will fade

i nodded we walked back

when in front of his home i st

Edward i cant do it ill lose fouses and kill her i whisperd in he mind he looked at me and grabbed my arm in a rock hard grip

no you gotme jasper,Emmet,carlisle

remember when we were 9 and you were reading and i kept pulling at your hair trying to get you to Chase me


well like that you  didnt blow even how hard or how annoying it was its like that Tara he said

i took a deep breath before he dragged me in

when we got to where everyone was

it got dead silenteveryone's thoughts were racing but the human i looked to Edward

you can try you wont be  able to read her mind Cousin he laughed i hissed at him

he pulled me down on a chair and everyone looked at me why wouldnt they a random girl with now black hair down to my hip and glowing red eyes black cloak and dress i do look kinda funny to them

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