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Okay, so I wrote this over the summer (2011), I had the whole story in bullet points done, so before I went on vacation I wrote it. Sorry if it's not great. I'm pretty happy with it. Read my collection of short stories inspired by songs, please! Enjoy. :)

(Cover and picture on the side made by SkyThinker, isn't it beautiful?)

Thank you to everyone has commented/voted and that I didn't personally say thanks to. I tend to forget. But it means a lot, so thank you. :)


The tall cat tail plants swayed in the breeze, overtaking the yellow flowers that were supposed to be there. The oak tree was far in the distance, a tall blotch in the field. The sky was a lifeless blue-gray; the usually puffy clouds seemed stringy, faded and thin.

It was beautiful. It was my favorite place to go to, especially if I was with Oliver. Then again, I was completely content as long as Oliver was there.

Every night, since we first started dating five years ago, I prayed. I prayed to God that He would be kind enough and let Oliver stay with me. I know it’s selfish; but Oliver was my sun. He was my everything. I was a lost kid without him. I had grown accustomed to having him by my side. And now was not time to learn differently.

To me, Oliver was perfect. All his flaws made him better. More genuine, more real. I loved him, that much I knew. That seemed to be the only thing I needed. His love. Him.

I was just happy to be under his arm, smiling. I’m sure my smile looked fake. I had been smiling all day, my face was starting to hurt. I tried to wipe the smile off my face, but it remained; which only made my heart swell a bit more.

Oliver’s deep and calm voice broke through my thoughts, “Tell me the truth,” he paused here for a second, and I stopped, looking up at his tall frame and straight into his clear blue eyes. “Do you honestly want to get married?”

He had succeeded in wiping the smile off my face. Suddenly the day didn’t seem beautiful. It just matched how I was suddenly feeling. Gloomy, gray.

I wanted to smile again. Who cared if it hurt? This hurt more. This broke my heart into a million little pieces. It tore at my stomach and head. A mini hurricane went throughout my body, not sparing any part.

I wish I could say something, anything. But I was shocked to silence. A million thoughts went through my head. Loud, and obnoxious like neon signs. Oliver didn’t want to marry me. He regretted asking me. He didn’t want to marry me! I looked down at my palms. My parents didn’t know so I wouldn’t have to tell them. Tell them that their daughter had been dumped after being engaged. Tell them that their daughter wasn’t good enough. I wasn’t good enough. “Of course.” I managed to croak out, I knew the words were in vain. He had made up his mind. I wasn’t his future wife, I was just his long-term high school ex-girlfriend. That’s all I’ll ever be. Maybe he didn’t even love me. I was stupid.

Oliver had always been too good for me.

I tried to push down all my insecurities. I didn’t need Oliver to pity me. No. I was strong- I had to be. I could at least fake it, right?

I looked up, his eyes were glazed. He was looking past me. He was already too out of it. His decision had been made. “Are you? Even when I’m at Harvard?”

Harvard. The word I hated most. It was an ocean away.

I guess I should have seen the signs, he always mentioned Harvard, and had stopped wearing his ring… I had been blinded. Blinded by stupidity. I was just a stupid girl. A stupid girl that had thought she’d marry the most perfect boy, the boy she had given everything to, the boy she loved.

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