Our Photo Shoot

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Monday, great. I wake up early, I don't know why I do that. I lay back on the pillows in frustration. But little did I know, that quick movement caused Alex to stir and well he kind of grabbed me and pulled me closer to him.

"A little grabby isn't he?" Aly asks from the open door.

"Aly, how long have you been standing in the doorway?" I ask.

"Not too long, so you can stop imitating a tomato Dolce." she says laughing.

"Oh shut up, I'm not imitating a tomato."

"A lobster then?" she asks.

"Not that either, but hey I wouldn't know. I can't necessarily get up right now to check if I am." I say back.

"Another thing our boys have in common, they're cuddly and grabby in their sleep." she points out.

"So I'm assuming this happened to you when you woke up then?" I ask laughing.

"A little more grabby, but yes."

"Well he must've been dreaming about something good." I say joking.

"Apparently. Turned red as can be when I asked him about it though."

"Did he tell you about it? I'm thinking not." I say laughing.

"Nope, went even more red and disappeared into the bathroom muttering something about a cold shower."

"Oh god. I don't even want to think about that. Bad image, bad image!"

That's when Mike comes into the doorway.

"Bad image about what?" he asks.

"Nothing babe." She says laughing and kissing him on the cheek.

"Alright. Carly, why do you look red?" Mike asks.

"I do not!" I say hiding my face in the pillow.

Mike then asks Aly the same question about me. Aly looks at him and that at cuddly Alex wrapped around me and walks away laughing going to cook breakfast. That's when Alex starts getting more grabby with me and my eyes get wide.

"Mike? You're not still in the doorway are you?"

"Yes, yes he is!" I hear Aly yell from the kitchen.

Then I try waking him up, poking him, whatever I can think of. Sadly it doesn't work.

"Uh, a little help here?"

But Aly is still in the kitchen and now so is Mike. Damn, got to do this on my own. What to do, what to do. That's when I thought of it, if no way I tried will wake him up, then maybe this will work. I get closer and I start kissing him, there is a slow response, but I can sense he's awake now. I had to pull away to get him to open his eyes and he did.

"Well that was a pleasant way to wake up." Alex said smirking.

"It was the only way to get you up, my other techniques failed."

"How'd we end up this close together?" He aks.

"You did it, in your sleep."

"Really? I guess I'm not in control of my actions when I sleep."

"No kidding. Anyway, let's get up Aly's making breakfast."

I'm able to get out of his grip this time and walk out to the kitchen.

"Well look who finally got out of the grabby hands of Alex." Aly says joking.

"She lives!" Mike exclaims.

"Oh shut up you two." I say back.

Then Alex walks out after me.

"Morning DC." Aly says to Alex.

"Morning Windy." Alex says back.

"Okay what up with the names?" I ask confused with Mike.

"You mean you don't get it? Alex's nickname for me is DC, because he's from DC." Aly explains.

"And my nickname for Aly here is Windy, because she's from Chicago."

"Oh, I got you, clever."

"And I got one for Mike too, Wonder Boy."

We eat after Aly is done making the breakfast. After that we all got dressed, then Alex and I just hung out in the living room.

"You know I just thought of a nickname I can call you sometimes." Alex says.

"What?" I ask.


"CareBear?" I ask.

"Yeah, because you love stuffed animals and I love that you're so caring to your friends and such."

"Awe, I love it. It's cute."

"Exactly what you are."

"So guys, what's on the agenda today?"

"Well we got some photo shoots in a couple hours, a couple interviews after, then the gym before Raw." Mike explains.

After those couple hours, we head to the studio for photo shoots for . Aly and I get into makeup and such and clothes. Mike and Aly were going first, so that we could get an idea on what Alex and I wanted to do. The first pose that Aly and Mike did for the picture was so cute. Mike was behind her and his arms were wrapped around her, with her head tilted to the side and his leaning on it. The 2nd pose they did was him holding him in her arms like bridal style, now that was a cute one.

Then third pose that they did was extremely cute. He was smiling while kissing her cheek and she had the biggest smile on her face. They took many pictures of that until they got the right one. The next picture I'm sure she loved, because he tilted her backwards, her hands were around his neck and he kissed her. The photographer described the last picture that they would be taking. They nodded, then she got behind Mike and then jumped onto his back with her arms around him and him holding her up while they both were smiling almost laughing.

"Okay, let me go change the camera and you two are next." the photographer said to Alex and I.

Aly and Mike walked over to us while we waited.

"Aly, those were amazing, very cute too." I say.

"I know right? I loved every minute of taking those pictures."

The photographer came back, Alex and I were up next.

"Have fun." Aly teased.

For the first pose, the photographer had placed Alex against a wall and reversed me into him. I rested my head back into his chest and we showed strong independent expressions. After taking multiple pictures of that, we moved on to picture number 2. Alex pulled me close to him and we kissed, with my left hand on the back of his neck and my right hand on his arm. Talk about getting lightheaded, like wow. But I managed to recover real quick. We moved onto picture number 3. The photographer directed Alex to stand behind me with his arms around me. I was directed to tilt my head to the side as he leaned his towards mine, and also with my hand on the back of his neck and my other hand over both of his around me. We smiled as multiple pictures were taken. Now onto the last picture. We just did a normal pose, we held onto each other and looked at one another, trying not to laugh.

"Alright, got it. Thank you guys, the pictures look great and should be on the site soon."

After that we head to where we had to get the interviews taken. The interviews went fast, asked a few questions about how Aly and I got into the business and etc. Also we were asked what's upcoming for us in the future of the WWE. The last place we stopped off at before heading to the arena was the gym.

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