Hell's Angels [1]

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  • Dedicated to my amazing fans who actually put up with me x

Chapter 1

The click clack of my heels accompanied me through the harried atmosphere of the Satani Media lobby. To most it would have appeared like any other morning in any other office. I however, could tell that something was wrong – very wrong. Each of my steps appeared smooth and unfaltering to the untrained eye but to me the tension and dread was weighing down each click and clack of my ridiculously expensive shoes. The soles feeling as though they were made of concrete, each step was as difficult and lagging as the first.

Shooting a glance towards the reception desk, my fears were only heighted when I noted the frown firmly between Kirsten’s overly plucked brows. The fact that her face was even showing a hint of emotion proved just how bad the situation was. It must be truly horrific to stir her brow in such a way. Almost instantly my heart was in my stomach and it felt as if it was turning over and over. I gulped and met her weary gaze with a shaky smile. Her solemn reply only confirmed it – something was definitely wrong.

Someone bumped into me, knocking the Styrofoam cup of coffee from my fingers so that the scalding hot contents spilt all over my once crisp white shirt and my new grey skirt. The perpetrator glanced up apologetically as I cussed out loud attracting attention from several people in the lobby before they hastily glanced away. Removing my gaze from my ruined top, I noted that the man who had bumped into me was still apologising to me, his face showing utter terror as he waited for me to address him. I was stuck between letting him get a piece of my mind and confirming the silly fears that had been picked up in the past few months or whether to treat him kindly even though I was annoyed at my outfit being ruined.

I almost laughed when the man who was taller than me and obviously worked out quite a lot held his hands out to me in defence as if I was going to strike him a great blow. I paused for a moment. How I had gotten a reputation as bad as Lucius’? My eyes however strayed past the man to Kirsten sitting behind the desk with that frown between her brows and it wasn’t long before I remembered my previous urgency. What did I care about coffee stains when Lucius was probably going to tell me that the world is going to implode or something equally catastrophic?

“Get someone to clean this mess up. We don’t want anyone to slip now do we?” I smiled gently down at the cowering man but I might as well have slapped him or asked him to lick it up with the pained looked he was giving me. He hastily bobbed his head, the thick floppy blonde hair falling in front of his eyes before he hastily swiped it behind his ears. He backed up a step, still refusing to meet my gaze as he withdrew. He reminded me of a scolded puppy with its tail between its legs and I felt suddenly guilty for putting the fear of God into the man. But how could I have made the situation any better?

It would have been funny in a pathetic kind of way if this kind of thing didn’t happen nearly every single day. It was weird, after about 3 months of being at Satani Media people started to treat me differently. The humans, with the exception of Kirsten, assumed that I must be a bitch to be able to handle my own against the notorious Lucius Satani, the CEO of Satani Media. The demonic however, suddenly started treating me with a degree of respect. I had saved them and destroyed one of the most deadly devices to their kind. As a result, they all assumed that I had powerful blood which earned me many potential suitors should I want them. I shuddered at the thought. They may look like ordinary people but Lucius had been teaching me what really lurked under their skins and the essences that fed their dark and twisted souls. It was fair to say that none of them would make the cut for step- dad for my son who was becoming more susceptible to people’s influences as the days went on.

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