Chapter One

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                 The grass that grows beside every stream,

Like angelic smiles faintly gleam,

                Step gently, cause it not to scream,

For it has grown from a lover's dream...


-Two weeks later-

Tehya stood stiffly in the giant attic, her blank eyes gazing out a large diamond window. Her dress was long and filled with undercoats of the purest red silk. Along the material small gleaming jewels glinted in the setting sun. She stared stonily upon the grounds that grew around the castle and, watched the servants who rushed around the summer gardens. They carried long wooden tables out on to the freshly cut grass and, spread fresh silk sheets upon their smooth surface. The cooks rushed out, their hands filled with platters of every type of food you could imagine! Candles were being set on every stone statue that the garden contained and, a music band twiddled with their instruments practising for later. The evening sun casted an orange gleam upon the gigantic gardens and it's was a perfect evening for the dance,

"If you would Princess? I am too attend to your hair" Teyha's maid bobbed a curtsy as the princess turned her cold grey gaze apon the her,

"Well then? Attend away!" She snapped swiftly. As if Teyha cared about the dance, or her blond tumbles of hair, or the perfect flowing dress she was told to wear tonight! As if she cared about anything anymore. The maid curtsied again and ran a comb through Tehya's non existent tangles. The princess sighed and slowly stared around the huge square attic.

The walls were a royal rose red with deep swirls of flowing patterns with frames of large paintwork of tree's and gardens hung upon them. Two grand oak wardrobes held every dress a princess could ever wish for, a floor to ceiling mirror sat between them and a enormous four poster bed with velvet red covers stood in the middle of the room,

"You're uncle requested you to wear your tiara tonight Princess" The maid said softly as she rolled Tehya's hair into luscious locks,

"Of course" She mumbled,

"It is to be a grand evening Princess! You must be looking forward to it very much! You'll have a wonderful time" The maid smiled,

"Of course" Tehya muttered again. Her face was stone in if she could enjoy herself at a dance, when all her mind kept doing was rewinding back two weeks ago. When she had walked into the throne room and, had seen her own parents torn apart, their bodies covered in lashing of thick settled if Tehya cared about some stupid dance,

"And you're uncle has sent for the finest of gentlemen and prince's who are looking for a princess of their own!" The maid's eyes we're wide with happiness but Tehya barley smirked,

"I do not wish too marry. I am far too young"

"But Princess you are seventeen! 'Tis a fine age to marry and bare your heir to the throne!" The maid seemed shocked but finally Teyha understood her Uncle's intentions. Everything would be done for an heir to the throne, even marrying off his only niece to a man twice her age,

"You're hair looks beautiful Princess! You will be a marvel this evening!" The maid smiled at Tehya and just for a moment the princess wondered what it must be like for this maid. To work all day for such little pay, to perhaps worry if she would even be able to eat the next day. A loud knock rang on the wooden oak door breaking into Teyha's thoughts,

"Princess Skye? You are to attend to the dance now...the guest are arriving at present moment and you're uncle requests your company" A guards voice called for her. Teyha held down her simmering sigh and stepped from the mirror. Let the show begin, she thought silently.

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