Chapter Two- Dimples?

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Thanks for all the reviews, guys, I love them : ) I would like to perhaps try for a few more next time? Maybe...? Haha, anyway this chapter is dedicated to CoverMaker, whose review made me especially happy. Side notes- In case you haven't noticed, I have pictures of how I imagine the characters would look like. The first picture in the prologue was Ashlynn and the next, Chase. This one's Lys. Also, check out the videos of songs I post, they all have great relevance to the story. Once again, thank you for reading (and potentially reviewing?) :D

The morning's encounter had not escaped my mind that entire day. I was especially displeased when "Chase Caulfield" walked into my sixth period biology class. His superior aura was as intact as it had been hours ago and his dammed sunglasses were still covering his eyes.

"Oh, my god," A girl named Tessa yelled obnoxiously when she saw him. "Hot damn, that boy is S-E-X-Y."

The whole class erupted into laughter, except for me and Chase. He calmly walked over to the teacher's desk and handed him a note. The teacher motioned for him to sit down in an empty seat across the room from mine. He nodded, but instead of going to that side of the room, he walked straight over to me.

I straightened in my seat, unsure of his intentions.

"What's your name?" He asked the girl that sat beside me.

"Leah," she said flirtily, batting her eyelashes.

"Leah, I'm going to need you to move to that seat, okay?" He asked, pointing to the seat the teacher had told him to sit. He was so calm, so... hypnotic. It was almost unsurprising when the girl obliged without objection.

             I clenched my jaw as he sat beside me, a too-smug look on his handsome face.

            "You haven't annoyed me enough for one day?" I asked between my teeth.

            He looked at me, I couldn't see him do it, but I felt his eyes on my face, taking me in.

            "Don't flatter yourself, Annabelle, the views just better here." The way he stared so obviously at me made what he was implying clear.

            I ignored his comment as well as his second "slip-up" with my name. Instead, I stared straight ahead, waiting for class to begin.

            From the corner of my eyes, I saw Chase's lips quirk up and spotted something I certainly did not expect.

            I turned back to him in a rush.

            "You have dimples?" I asked, incredulous.

            "I don't know what you're talking about," he muttered.

            I was going to challenge him on that, but the teacher, Mr. Peterson, decided to start talking right then.

            Unfortunately, I couldn't focus on whatever he was saying, not that I often did. Honestly, I never listened in this class, but now that Chase was tapping his foot under his desk persistently, making me unable to concentrate, I felt the sudden intense need to be able to hear the lecture.

            I glared at Chase, hoping he'd get the message, but he didn't even acknowledge me. He just lay back on his seat, fiddling with his lip ring. Growing more and more aggravated by the second, I started whispering his name. Something told me he could hear me even over the noise he was making, but he pretended he couldn't. I was considering throwing my notebook at his head when I realized something. He had come into the classroom wearing sunglasses- something that was strictly against the school's dress code and no one spoke up. Then, he sat where he wanted to, instead of obeying the teacher's orders, with no comment from Mr. Peterson. Now he was making a ridiculous amount of noise and I was the only one bothered by it?

            I stared at him for a minute, trying to observe anything unusual about him. My immediate thought was that he was some sort of supernatural creature with the power of hypnotism. Then I thought he may be a figment of my imagination, but remembered people had noticed when he walked in and were still staring at him now. I continued coming up with random, slightly insane explanations for why he was so strange to me.

            The sound of the school bell ringing knocked me out of my thought process and I looked around to see people rising and gathering their things. I almost didn't want to believe that I had spent the entire class period zoned out, thinking about Chase.

            I looked back at him to find him returning my stare through his dark shades.

            "I guess I'll see you later," he said, standing. "Partner."

            I was going to ask what he meant by that, but then he smiled. A huge, full out, dimpled smile that transformed his face entirely. He dropped it quickly, turned and walked away.

            I stared after him, startled, dazzled, and slightly concerned he was a bipolar.

            He was planning something.  

All right, next chapter will be slightly longer and much more intense. New characters, too! As I said before, please review and tell me what you think about the characters. Any guesses for where I'm taking this? Let me know :D

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