Chapter 8

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I guess you can say curiosity killed that cat?
I parked my car in front of the alley that Harry had told me to meet him at. I wasn't to sure as to actually go out, I opened the door and let one of my feet out. I stayed like that for a couple minutes un till I saw Harry walk behind the Denny's.

To to do it, or to not do it.....

What can possibly go wrong. I opened my door more widely he looked my way but quickly looked away, does he know I'm here. By know I had both my legs out, but then another person walked in.

I shut my door making a loud noise again Harry starred, they fought for a while the person whom Harry was talking to brought her hand down connecting it with his jaw.

Ohhhh she's gonna get it.

She walked off leaving Harry alone. I couldn't really see his expression but if I could I bet he wouldn't be smirking. He threw his hands in the air and started hitting the brick wall.

He looked at his watch before storming off.

This whole situation with Marcel and Harry brought way to much stress so I decided to call Jacky.

"Hey want to come over?"

I heard a few muffles.

"You'll never see Jacky again" a male voice answered I gripped the steering wheel my knuckles turning white, I still hadn't said anything.

Then I heard some laughing it relaxed me a bit but not quite.

" Oh my God (Y/N) did that scare you?!" Jacky said in an amused voice.

" Fuck Jacky you scared the living shit out of me, who the hell was that anyways ?" I asked impatiently.

"It was just Liam my boyfriend"
I made a gagging noise, she just laughed.

"We'll do you want to maybe hang out?"

"Sure I will be over in a few. I have the spare don't worry." She hung up the phone.

I made my way to Walmart and bought a whole bunch off snacks and made my way to the movie aisle.

Something bothered me, I felt as someone was watching me. I turned around but found myself alone.
Finally after a few minutes of debating I got all seasons of Walking Dead.

"Hello find everything okay, oh hey it's you" A blonde boy said to me. It took me a few seconds to realize it was Niall.

"Oh hey Niall" I said giving him a weak smile.

"You look tired, everything okay?" He asked as he scanned the last of my things.

"Actually yeah about to have a movie well more like a t.v show night"

"That's great actually you're the last customer before my shift is done" he said hinting me a bit.

"Oh well maybe you want to come to this movie slash tv show night thingy" I said awkwardly.

"Sure!" He said eagerly. I grabbed my stuff and walked in the back with him were he dropped off his things and told good night to his co workers.

He drove behind me. Finally after 5 minutes I was home I got off my car and getting everything i had bought which was a lot and made my way to the door. I opened the door and shouted

"All seasons of Walking Dead Baby" Jacky didn't answer so I looked up from looking down at my bags.

There stood Harry.

"(Y/N) you didn't tell me Marcel had a brother! And may I say a TWIN brother !" Jacky said making her way over to me. I looked at Harry who only smirked at me.

"Brudda .!!!!" Niall shouted from behind me as he tackled Harry in a bear hug.

"Who's that?"

"Niall from my party why the fuck didn't you tell me that Harry was here" I whispered in her ear.

"Damn calm down I just met him Liam invited him anyways so if you have an issue speak with him"

"No thanks."

"Thought so, why don't you invite Marcel" she smiled and grabbed my the bags from my hands.
When she said Marcel the boys head turned our way. It made me uncomfortable.

"Yeah, maybe some other time when I'm alone." I said.

Niall put the DVD I'm and put the snacks out, which by the way he had already eaten most and the show hadn't even started.....

I tried sitting as far away as everyone as I could. But being me I failed.

"Hey (Y/N) you should sit by me" Harry said patting down the cushion next to me.
Jacky gave me death glare so did Liam. Niall was way to distracted.

I got off from the couch and made my way to the floor where Harry was. I still stayed a foot or two away from him. Surprisingly he didn't do anything.

About halfway thru the season I was falling asleep.

"I'm going to sleep, thanks for coming Niall, at least someone enjoyed the snacks." I laughed a bit.

"Ugh but the season is almost over" Jacky said.

"We'll my bio project is due tomorrow and u need to present it its like 3:00 an anyways good night guys" I said as I walked up stairs to my room.




"So yeah basically" I finished explaining our project on how to make glow sticks. Marcel nodded his head.

"Questions class?" Mr. Brown said, someone raised their hand.
Great I taught.

As the guy was about to ask something the door swung open. A blonde haired girl walked in all the boys in the class were hypnotized so I was guessing she was pretty.

Mr. Brown rolled his eyes and took her schedule that she was holding.

"Hello I'm Mr. Brown and you are...?" He said taping his foot on the tile.

"I'm Cassie" she said loud enough for the whole school yard to hear.

"We'll you can take a seat in (Y/N) for now while I rearrange the seats"

"But..." I started saying but Marcel cut me off.

"Shh it's okay" he said, I looked up at him but he wouldn't keep his eyes off her.

Well then. . .

I had to sit all the way in the back since my seat was taken by some sneezy bitch...

Finally it was lunch time I waited by the water fountain where Marcel and me have been meeting up lately.
Maybe he had forgotten because he always waited for me.

I waited 10 more minutes, he still hadn't shown. My stomach grumbled so I just decided to get some lunch.



Finally the end of the day thank good ness it's Friday.!
I still hadn't seen Marcel maybe he had gotten sick and left, I should get his number or something.

I made my way to my locker to put all my binders away. There I found Cassie and Marcel, he had his hand on her shoulder.

This sight made me want to puke, I'm not the jealous type it's just Cassie really bugs me....

I walked up to them.

"Marcel are we still going to go to the movies?"

He looked up at me for a quick second and then up to Cassie.

"I'm asking YOU not her." I said a bit impatiently,crossing my arms across my chest tapping my foot like I had somewhere better to be.

"We'll actually" I stopped him.

"Let me guess Cassie is a new student so you're going to show her around I'm right?
And you've been ignoring me because of it?
Just guessing Marcel I'm right" I said.

He pushed his glasses up to his face and looked at me.

"I was trying to be civil and polite (Y/N), understand?" I squinted my eyes, is he talking to me like I'm 5?

"Oh guess i'll go with Niall then..."
I said try to get him a bit jealous but nothing worked because he kept starring at Cassie.

"We'll sure whatever" Marcel said.
I walked off I heard Marcel say something then Cassie say:

"Don't worry she's a bitch"

I made my way to the parking lot and got inside my car, why is Marcel acting like this has he lost interest in me.....

I sat in my car for a while, someone knocked in my window I was crossing my fingers it was Marcel, maybe he would apologize and take me out for the movie.
I looked straight ahead.

"He will forget you soon Babe, and you'll come crying to me."

Before I could say anything Harry was getting inside his black range rover speeding off.

Crap why didn't I look up, never mind that... Will Marcel actually leave me...?





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