Chapter 5: Rumors, Kiss and Secrets Revealed

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A/n okay so i realize that we don't know much about Blake's character. Hopefully this chapter helps you figure things out a bit and a huge surprise. Please comment, vote and fan if you like.

Let me know if you can't wait for more. lol :)

till next chapter, Lene

Chapter 5

Holly's POV

As soon as I walked into my second period class that same day, I regretted it and almost walked right back out again. It was the same as first period, everyone was staring at me even worse, whispering and saying things about me that weren't true in the first place. I'd never been the center of attention before, much less been the one that everybody talked about for no reason. Now it was different, so entirely different and I was starting to feel afraid of what might happen next.

While ignoring everyone's stares, I walked to my assigned desk and sat down.

"Hey, girly," Cassie said walking into the classroom cheerfully.

"Hey." I whispered.

She walked toward her chair, which happened to be the one in front of mine. Once she sat down, she turned to me as she stared at everyone in the classroom.

"What the heck is going on?" She asked.

"I have no idea."

"No, I mean seriously, when I was in first period, girls were asking me if you were Blake's girlfriend. I told them heck no but they didn't believe me," she said while leaning closer to me.

"Well, a girl kind of asked me the same thing."

"What you do mean 'kind of the same thing'?"

"She thought Blake and I were, you know, on...friendlier terms."

"Well that's crazy," she started to say as I nodded my head. "Because you two were already on friendlier terms over the summer." She finished and I rolled my eyes at her.


"Its okay, it's true. Blake and I were never really friends in the first place."

"Yeah, you guys just moved way too fast," Cassie blurted out with bored expression on her face.

I reached forward and flicked one of my fingers on her forehead.

"Ow, what was that for?"

"You know what that was for."

"Oh okay, I'm sorry. Again."

After a few seconds of silence, a girl walked toward us and asked, "Holly, it is true? Are you and Blake together, like, really together?"

I breathed out already tired of this rumor. "No, Blake and I are nothing. Okay? Zero. Nada. Nothing." I blurted out loud to the whole classroom since I couldn't take it anymore. Everyone stared at me in shock. I'd never been the yelling type at all, especially, in a classroom. What was wrong with me all of a sudden? Then things started to spin in circles over and over making me feel lightheaded and dizzy.

As the teacher walked into the classroom, I stood up from the chair feeling sick to my stomach and walked out of the classroom.

"Miss Evans, is everything alright?" Mr. Johnson asked me as I ran away toward the nearest girls' restroom that I could find which was down the hall without a word. I walked into the first stall that was empty and threw up inside the toilet bowl.

Minutes later, after I was done, I lay my head against the wall feeling flushed; a light sweat coated my forehead.

"What is wrong with you?" A voice that sounded too familiar and annoying yelled at me.

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