Chapter 13 - Power & Control

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Chapter 13: Power & Control

  There wasn’t much to do in my little room.

  Four walls, a bed, and a bathroom. No windows to let in any light, so I couldn’t even tell what time of day it was. After my incident in the bathroom I had retreated back to the bed and curled up on top of the covers. I couldn’t bare to pull them over me because I had no idea where they had been. For all I knew this is where Ian took all his captors to; the last room they ever saw.

  My hair was a rats nest from all the activity I had been through in the past day, but I couldn’t be bothered to drag my fingers through it so it didn’t form dreads. There was air conditioning coming from somewhere, I knew because the room was cold, but I couldn’t see any vents to let in the air. It didn’t matter, because either way my skin was covered in goosebumps and my teeth were chattering. The leggings and t-shirt they had me in provided no semblance of warmth but I wasn’t going to get fully into the bed.

  It might have been hours or minutes, but I had finally had enough. I was shaking as I got back out of the bed, leaving an indentation where I had been balled up, and headed back towards the bathroom. The shower had no curtain but I shut the door to have some privacy. Luckily the dial on the shower was similar to the one I had at home so I knew how to turn it on as hot as possible. There was no heat in the hair but the water was scalding, during my skin red with the touch.

  Thanking god, I stripped from my clothes. A small comfort came with the fact that I was wearing the same underwear as before; I stacked my clothes neatly on the seat of the toilet because it looked like all I had.

  The shower felt like heaven--the sudden change in temperature caused some pain but it was more pleasure. No shampoo or conditioner were on the shelves but I still wet my hair down so that the warmth would totally envelope me. Not wanting to get out, I just sat down on the floor of the shower, letting the water pelt down on me.

  There must have been a hot water pump because the heat never went cold and pretty soon I could feel my body temperature returning to normal. The longer I remained in the bathroom the more my mind returned to me. Depressing state as I was in, I was enraged that I had simply given up in the time I had been locked in the little room. I wasn’t one to give in--never. Did Tristan not complain about my stubbornness to a fault? Did I not fight for him?--for us?

  And I was sitting here letting myself be sorry.

  I opened my eyes with a growl, lifting myself off the ground and snapping the water off. There was one lonely towel sitting by the sink, just large enough to cover my body and I used it to dry myself. My hair wouldn’t be dry no matter how I tried to ruffle it so I let it be and tugged back on the clothes that I had folded. Somehow they felt better on my skin now that I had washed of the remnants of their eyes and touch.

  No mirror hung on the wall so I couldn’t see how I looked but I’m sure it was hellish. My neck still throbbed and my body ached but I clenched my teeth and braided my wet hair down my back.

  Samantha William’s didn’t sit back and the world control her. She took the people around her by the collar until they were down to her level and made them see and concede to her point. It was time I resumed my place on my stubborn pedestal and grabbed the situation by the balls, because I wasn’t going to be Ian’s bitch.

  First things first, I paced the room to make sure I had every aspect of it memorized. There wasn’t much to work with, but it helped keep my anger at bay. From the wall that held the headboard of the bed and the wall with the doors, twenty medium strides lay. Same was between the other two. The prison was a perfect square, with a six stride bathroom attached.

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