Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 - The Aftermath

I stared at the town Mayor. Mayor Reed had been our mayor for years now. I could not understand how he got re-elected: everyone hated him. I thought he'd fixed it. No one would have voted for him again.

I sat next to Alyssa as we listened to his story. Glancing around the school cafeteria, there weren't a lot of people here. All of them were adults, with just a few babies. I felt like me and Alyssa were the only teens left. I peeked at the wall and a poster caught my eye. 'School prep rally'.

I stared at my hands.

That's why there was no one left. Everyone had gone to the school prep rally.

Alyssa elbowed me slightly, bringing me back to reality. I smiled weakly at her. I don't think the shock had worn off yet, for both of us. I turned back to the mayor and listened to him speak.

"It was a terrible experience. To see me best friends give their lives up for me."

He looked hurt, but I saw right through it. I bet he pushed his friends in front of those Zombies just to save himself.

"I saw those things everywhere. There were people screaming and running. No one saw it coming. I think that's why so little survived. Oh, and with what had happened at the hospital-"

"What happened at the hospital?" I asked, cutting him off.

My mother....

He turned to me, as if noticing me for the first time. He knew me, though. Everyone in this town knew me. It wasn't that big of a town, and everything flew through here like a high school rumor.

He looked at me, apparently lost for words.

"The Zombies...they attacked the hospital first. No one survived."

No one survived.

Those words echoed over and over in my head. I was never going to see my mother again.

I was alone.

I felt tears rush down my cheeks. I spun around to Alyssa and cried on her shoulder.


One week.

I'd been here for one week.

Last week I'd had a mother.

Last week I'd had a boyfriend.

Last week I'd had a normal life.

My old life did not even seem real anymore.

It was the end of the world, Judgement Day, and the Zombie apocalypse was what everyone was calling life now.

I walked down the third floor hallway alone. Life in this school wasn't bad. I took a shower in the gym and had breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the cafeteria. We slept in classrooms on the floor, in sleeping bags and they had watchmen shooting down any Zombies that came close.

The Mayor had said it was impossible for them to get in. I hoped he was right.

Since the first day, more people had come to the school. I spent my time in classroom, crying, so I did not know who had survived. I didn't care anyways. I had lost everyone that I loved.

I turned the corner and was startled to see a familiar face. couldn't be...

"Uncle Bobby?!" I called, running to him.

He whipped around and smile broke his face, as he hugged me. I cried tears of joy. I was so glad to see someone I knew. Uncle Bobby was like my second father after mine had passed away. He hugged me tight.

"Thank God, you're alive!" he said into my hair. "When I heard about your mom, I thought-"

Tears were falling down his cheeks, and I cried with him. His wife, Debby, my aunt, suddenly appeared next to him. I ran to her and hugged her too.

"Oh honey, you don't know how good it is to see you," she said as she pulled away.

I couldn't talk, I was too busy choking on my tears.

We spent the next hour talking about how they'd manged to survive, and driven all the way here to see if my mother and I were alive. I told them about what had happen to Alyssa and I.

Speaking of Alyssa, I hadn't seen her since yesterday when someone had told her someone was looking for her. I promised my uncle and aunt I'd sit next to them at dinner, and headed out to look for Alyssa.

I found her talking to two other guys. One had dirty blond hair and the other had dark black hair but both looked our age. I was finally happen to see someone my age around here.

Alyssa Olsen's eye flashed to me down the hall and she called me over. When I reached her, I glanced up at the two boys with her. I recognized one of them. It was Dominic Sergeant, the class badass. He glared at me, but didn't say anything. The other guy, I didn't know, and he was facing away from me.

"Ella," Alyssa said, hugging me.

I hugged her back, but I didn't talk my eyes off the blond for some reason. He turned around suddenly, and our eyes met. I didn't know how to explain it. It suddenly felt as if everyone else had disappeared. Alyssa's voice abruptly broke us both from our trace.

"This is my cousin, Jeremy. You remember? I told you he was moving here in the beginning of the school year."

She pulled away, and I was standing in front of him.

Actually I didn't remember.

"Yeah I remember," I lied, smiling and stretching out my hand. "I'm Ella."

He smiled and took my hand.


We didn't pull away right away, we just stood there, staring at each other.

Until Dominic coughed. We quickly pulled away as a blushed crept into my face.

"And you know Dominic, right?" Alyssa said, smirking at me while I turned to Dominic.

"Yeah, I know him," I said.

He didn't say anything, he just head nodded in my direction. Alrighty then...

I nodded back.

Suddenly, a voice burst through the speakers.

"Everyone report to the cafeteria for an announcement from our Mayor Reed."

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