The Right To Remain Silent

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Living in our old house had seemed like a great idea at first; it was isolated, had a great view of anyone who might approach, and it was a great big 'fuck you' to the people who had set the fire. Now, after having to take a shower at the local gym because the house had no running water (or much of anything really) I was starting to think it wasn't such a great idea after all.

My feelings on the matter only worsened when I returned to the house to find Derek planting a string of Wolfsbane around the mound of dirt that hid Laura's body.

"Do I even want to know what you're doing?" I asked when I approached, keeping a good distance from the Wolfsbane that was making my nose itch.

"Scott came by to yell at me and smelt the body." Was his explanation as he carefully covered the flower-laced rope with dirt. That simple statement did nothing but give me more questions than answers and I took a calming breath so I didn't become the next person to yell at Derek.

"And he came to yell at you because...?"

"I told him that if he played Lacrosse on Saturday I'd kill him."

"A reasonable reaction, I'm sure." I drawled, and Derek looked up from his task to scowl at me.

"If he's out on that field and he transformed we're all screwed - it isn't just his own life he's risking." He growled, and I really couldn't disagree with that. "I'm hoping he gets the message."

"Don't know how he could misinterpret that," I muttered. "So, if that doesn't work do we have any other ideas to stop a newbie werewolf playing sports?" God, what had our lives become? "Break his legs? Kidnap him? Bribe the principal to take him off the team?"

Derek actually seemed to be considering those options, so I quickly diverted his attention, "So, the Wolfsbane?"

"It'll keep Scott out and keep Laura shifted." Derek explained as he continued to cover the string with dirt. Laura hadn't just inherited Mom's Alpha status, but also the ability to shapeshift into a true wolf, an gift unique to the Hale family. It was part of what made Mom so well respected amongst the supernatural community, and why Wolfsbane would keep Laura hidden even in death.

When Derek finally finished and announced we were going out for dinner I followed him to the car without question, not saying a word about the very specific pattern he'd planted the rope in.

When we returned to the house after an hour at the diner that did surprisingly good burgers it was to find half a dozen police officers waiting for us. Laura's body was under a sheet next to the hole where she'd been buried, and though it was the first time I'd seen his human face I knew the boy standing behind one of the cruisers with a triumphant expression was Scott.

When the cops noticed us we put our hands on our heads and allowed the deputies to handcuff us. I barely listened as I was read my rights, eyes locked on Laura's disturbed grave with anger swirling hot and heavy in my veins.

Derek's carefully blank expression when he met Scott's eyes was enough to tell me I wasn't the only one who was furious.


I was sat in my well practiced slouch, the one that didn't really look like I was slouching, but nevertheless gave a distinct impression of it, which was a challenge considering my hands were cuffed to the table. I threw off question after question with short, flat answers that mostly contained the word no. 

The latest deputy was growing more and more irritated as I continued to sit there, refusing to answer questions. "Where were you the night your sister was killed?" The man asked. I didn't even blink. The deputy folded his arms. The staring contest continued.

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