She fired a sniper round at the apparition, but the bullet seemed to go through the target.


In the restaurant the Sisters were stationed in, a bluish-white figure in the shape of a lion appeared through a wall as if it leaped through it. All the Misaka Sisters backed away from it and aimed their rifles at it.

The lion roared loudly, and everything in the room including the ground shook like an earthquake.

The Misaka Sisters opened fired on the being, but all of their bullets seemed to go right through it. The lion roared again, and dissipated like a flame being put out. The Sisters stood battle ready with their rifles still aiming at the spot the lion was in.

It seemed to be an eternity of silence, until a white glowing ball formed in the spot the lion was standing in. The Sisters held their rifles tighter. The ball exploded into a blinding light like a flash bang blinding everyone in the room. The light disappeared and revealed a man dressed in pure white robes. All the sisters covered their eyes trying to recover from the sudden flash of light. Abbondino smiled and swiftly walked to where Last Order was lying. He picked her up, threw her on his shoulder and disappeared again.

The girls finally recovered from the temporary blindness and looked at their surroundings. There was no sign of an attacker and Last Order was gone, again.

"We have lost Last Order again!? Misaka asks while panicking."

"The enemy had used cunning tactics to recapture her, says Misaka 19090 observing the situation."

"Where is the control now? Asks Misaka 14050."

"She disappeared along with the enemy. Misaka cannot even use the network to learn their location, says Misaka 10032."

"The situation is not good, says Misaka 10032."


In a room with a pentagram made of candles, Galeazzo Giordano paced back in forth restlessly. His shoulder was healed using holy water blessed by the Pope himself. One could not even tell he had been shot, from the looks of the wound.

In the pentagram a white ball of light appeared and eventually formed into the shape of a man. Abbondino stepped out from the pentagram and put down Last Order gently on the floor.

"I seriously don't find what was so hard about that." Abbondino said.

"It was a much different story for me, than it was for you." Replied Galeazzo grimly.

"Whatever. We should get ready to get out of this dreaded city now."

"No, not yet. The Misaka network can track us down if we don't do something about Last Order. We'll seal her output to the network."

"Right... Pope said something about that."

"That is why the church gave us these."

He went into a bag and pulled out two electrodes.

"I have no idea what those are..."

"Neither do I... But he said we just need to place these on her temples and that would seal her thoughts from getting out."

Galeazzo placed the two electrodes on her temples. The two looked at her.

"Did it work?"

"Don't ask me..."


A pile of steaming and beaten thugs lied in front of Touma and Misaka. Due to their bickering, they attracted quite a bit of unwanted attention. Misaka and Touma were huffing and puffing after defeating what seemed to be endless waves of idiots trying to attack them.

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