Sun Valley.

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                  "Jesus, Jeremy, what the hell have you been eating?" Stella murmurs as we lift him up from the bed with a grunt.

Currently, Stella has her grasps on his arms while I have my hands wrapped around his ankles. Liam would be hauling Jeremy to the van, if it weren't for the fact that he was loading all our luggage into both  vehicle - both the stolen one and the van - and Stella had suggested we could do it ourselves.

I agreed because I was certain we could. Jeremy appeared to be lanky, although tall, and I thought it would be an easy task to complete. I mean, I wasn't the strongest but certainly it would be easy, right? Wrong. 

Jeremy definitely weighed more then he looked. I nearly dropped him the moment we guided him off the bed, but I quickly grasped his ankles tighter before he could slip from my hold.

And so we started to guide him out the door, which was at first hard. I ended up banging him up against the door frame with his head pretty damn hard. Now maybe something would be wrong with him when he woke up. Like brain damage.

I grunt as we near the van, only to see Liam standing and staring into the trunk of the stolen Mustang. For a minute, I question calling out to him and asking if everything is okay. But Stella interrupts me with a grunt of her own and I watch as her fingers to slip from Jeremy's wrist. My eyes widen. "Hurry!" I say and she does, though she practically drags him across the ground as we head towards the van.

I suck in a sharp breath as we give all our strength to lift Jeremy into the backseat. I try to gently set him, but my arms are shaking and I'm positive I can't keep any longer grip on him. We toss him hurriedly and he manges to hit the seat before rolling and falling onto the floor of the van, I can hear the thunk as Jeremy's head bangs onto the floor. I cringe.

Well, now he's definitely going to have brain damage. 

I think we just knocked him out more. I mean, he didn't even make a peep when we threw him and hit the seat then the floor.

Stella crawls onto the seat, reaching down and tangling her fingers in his red locks and roughly yanks his head up. "You okay there, Jer Bear?" 

I roll my eyes at her. Tease the unconscious dude, Stella. Go ahead. 

Shockingly, he doesn't respond and Stella drops his head with a frown and a wave of her hand. "He'll be fine," She reassures me. 

"Yeah, a little brain damage can do a person good." I shrug and wave it off as well and Stella chuckles darkly.

"Maybe we'll get lucky enough and he'll forget who he is when he wakes up. I'd convince the fucker he's my servant. That'd be fun." Stella declares as she hops from the seat and back onto the pavement with a thud. "So, how's this gonna work?" She questions and I raise a brow at her, unsure of what she means. She rolls her eyes and then cups her hands around her mouth and shouts in Liam's direction, "Hey, pretty boy, get over here!"

Liam looks quizzically over his shoulder at Stella, who gestures with her finger to quit standing there and get over to where we stands. After a short moment of his defiance, he sluggishly makes his way over and asks gruffly, "What?"

"How are we gonna do this? Am I gonna ride with unconscious Jeremy while you take Ron?" Stella inquires, shifting her weight to her other foot as she leans against the van door. 

"Yeah, I have no plans of getting rid of the car. Just in case the van breaks down, we got the Mustang." Liam responds. Stella nods.

"That things a gas guzzler. I'm gonna have to rob another freaking bar for enough gas for the both of us." Stella mutters. I'm not sure if she's joking or not, you know, about robbing another bar. I wouldn't be surprised if she actually did it. 

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