28th Imagine...

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Prodigy P.O.V

I looked at Y/N as she walked back and forward in front of me yelling at the wedding planner. I shook my head and sighed at how she was just yelling at her.

"DIANA! I told you I wanted to get married on the 10th of August not August 10th!" she screamed into the phone. "Does it really matter?" I said to myself.

Suddenly Y/N stopped talking and I felt eyes looking at me. I slowly looked up and looked over at Y/N as she stood with her hand on my hip. When looked like that she was pissed-at me.

"What?" I asked her looking confused.

"Diana, I'm going to let you. AND MAKE SURE YOU FIX IT!" she shouted into the phone then hung up. She slowly walked her way over to me and sat in front of me smiling. "Craig, could you say that again? I didn't hear you?" she smiled.

"Nothing" I smiled.

"It was something" she said as her smile grew bigger and creeper.

"Nah, it wasn't anything" I said backing up.

"Oh? I'm pretty sure you said does it matter!" she laughed. "Well let me tell you...ITS SOMETHING! IT'S SOMETHING IMPORTANT! IF THE DATE IS FUCKED UP SO IS THE WEDDING THEN THE MARRIAGE!" she screamed, causing me to fall out my chair.

"Damn, Y/N! Calm down!" I said bagging up into the corner as she closer to me.

"Craig I can't calm down! Nothing is going right! I would tell you whats wrong but it would be waaay toooo long to explain and I hav-"

"Stop!" I shouted which made her stop talking. I stood up and grabbed her hands, looking her in her eyes. "You've been stressing for a long time. I think you should just take the day off and pamper yourself. Forget about the wedding and working and just pay attention to YOU!" I smiled.

She rolled her eyes and sighed. "I don't want nothing to-"

"AHHH! Don't talk about the wedding, Y/N. Go to the mall or go out to eat, watch a movie, the spa! Anything but planning this wedding" I laughed at her.

She looked at me weird then shrugged. "Fine, but if the wedding messes up because I took this day off..your ass is grass" she said pointing at me the walking off.


"Fuck off I'm relaxing!" she shouted walking up the stairs. I watched her as she walked up mumbling things to herself. I shook my head and mouth "Wow". I didn't know weddings could do this to women.

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