chapter 30

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Scarlett looked out at the masses of people in front of her, the hundreds of people screaming for her and chanting back her songs, wearing her merch and waving their arms wildly in the air as if they wanted to just touch her. She took it in for a few seconds, feeling the whole atmosphere and remembering how that used to be her in the crowd before swinging into her next song.

“How long did you think you could live in ignorance?

And now you can’t turn back

Into the desert storm

Flee from your shackled life

There is nowhere else to go

Down impulsive pathways home

Not time for tears

It’s time to decide how you want to live your life”

She swung her guitar round as she stalked round the stage, interacting with the crowd.

“I’m the voice inside your head

Shouting through the demons

Your wings maybe broken

But you’re not alone

Think of all the places you’ve never belonged

Take them with you”

While you’re running for your life”

“Alright San Diego!” Scarlett shouted and was met by the crowd screaming back

“Self-infliction of loneliness

 Vicious cycles of thinking liberated

Neglected dreams of the forgotten children

You’ll be worth something in time

We die as soon as we give up

You don’t want to be like them

A generation forced to grow up too soon

Keep running till the sun comes up”

Outlaw Eyes (a Ashley Purdy Love story)Where stories live. Discover now