Badass Wolf of a Brother and a Not So Understanding Dad....

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"So does it hurt?"

Dean looked up from the map he was reading.

"Does what hurt?"

"You know," I tried to explain. I felt my face get hot as I realize that this was sort of a private matter. I searched my mind for a good way to say it, but came out with nothing. "Woof." I also curled my fingers to make it look like claws and bared my teeth. "Grrr."

Dean chuckled. "Grrr?" I nodded. "Seriously?" He asked.

Another nod.

"Um, I guess. You know bones rearranging, fur coming out where it really shouldn't, teeth getting sharp, growing a tail, ears moving to the top of my head. That kind of thing? Yeah, I guess it does. Why?"

I shrugged and went back to my work on finding side hunts for us to do until we can get back into wolf hunting. "Just wondering."

Dean put down the map and grabbed my laptop away from me. "Stop."

I looked at him funny. "Stop what?"

"Stop blaming yourself. It's my own fault I let the thing get me." He closed the laptop.

Damn. I've been caught.

Ok, so MAYBE I was still feeling guilty about Dean getting hurt and leaving him three months ago, but what else was I suppose to do?

"But you were all alone."

"So were you."

"No, I wasn't. You were there! You saved me like always........I could have save you..." I dropped my gaze to look down at the table.

Dean breathed in a breath before reaching his hand over the small room table to put it on my shoulder. "Listen to me, Sammy, nothing can save me. I'm too far gone from being save."

Those words made my eyes tear up and I couldn't help but think about how I could had prevented this from happening if only I'd stayed.

"Look, Sam, its cool, really" Dean grinned, "after all there are some perks."

Perks? What the hell? How can there be perks when you're a giant ass werewolf?! God, has Dean been gone mad, while I was gone or something? I can't see or even think of the kind of perks someone can have as a werewolf. "Please, enlighten me, Dean. What kind of fucking perks are there?"

Dean flashed an evil looking smile at me. "Ah, Sammy. I thought you were the smart one in the family-"

"You finally calling yourself stupid?"

"Hell no. Now shut up and let me finish, bitch. Anyway as I was saying, what I'm really talking about here is night vision. Its fucking wicked, dude. The strength is crazy. Oh and the speed and the stamina! It's awesome. Then there's my doggy senses."

"Doggy senses?"

"Yeah. You know like smell, hear, and all that other crap. How you think I found you in the woods?" Dean stood up from the table and sniffed the room. "Oh and by the way you smell like crap." He smiled.

"Thanks." I rolled my eyes. Who know being a werewolf would give you 'doggy senses' and make you sound like some kind of superhero. All the other werewolves Dean and me had faced in the past had none of that, which I'm glad because that will mean that it would have been harder killing them, but then again none of this makes sense. Are there like two different types of breeds or something? I think I might have to call Bobby soon.

"Oh and do you know the best part about it?"

"You get to rub your ass all over the floor and will be able to get fleas?" I asked hopefully.

"Gee, don't I feel love. No and no."

"Then what?"

"I can change whenever I want."

Wait. What?

"You mean that you could change into a wolf right now or are you just bullshitting me?"

"I mean it. It saved my life before. I don't have to wait for the full moon to come just to be able to change. I can't show you now 'cause it's much better to change somewhere where there's lots of trees and no people around to see or hear anything." He smiled, which I took as a sign of pride.

This can't be real. As many years as Dean, Dad, and me have been hunting supernatural things, we would have at least ran into the kind of werewolves as Dean. But we haven't. Maybe there were never these kinds, and they just started this whole new species.

"Face it, Sam. I'm a badass wolf of a brother and you think its fucking awesome." He grinned.


Dean stood up from the table and walked over to his bed, where his leather jacket was laying flat on the bed. He grabbed his jacket and put it on. "I'm gonna go get us some lunch, Sammy." He said as he walked to the kitchen counter and grabbed the car keys.

I hummed in response and reached across the small table and took my laptop back from where Dean had put it, when he took it away from me. When I heard the motel door close, I turned my attention back to my research about a local hunt Dean and me can do on the side. It wasn't something big, just an old salt and burn. Twenty nine old girl, who drugged her whole family and carried them to her car. The article states that she drove them to an old warehouse, where she tied them up in chairs and duck tape their mouths shut before getting her fathers gun and shot her whole family before turning the gun on herself. Her name was Mary Beth, and now she haunts the warehouse, killing anyone who goes in. This wouldn't be a big deal, if it weren't for the teens around town who dare each other to go in. Only thing to do about this kind of thing is to find her bones and burn them. Without her bones Dean and I can't kill the her.

I jumped in my seat when I heard my cell phone ring. Pulling the phone out of my pocket, I answered it, already knowing who it was.


"Any luck, Sam?"

"Well, I found him and he's fine."

"Did he kill the wolf?"


"About that, Dad, we kind of lost it. It attacked me in the woods, and almost had me for a mid-night snack, but luckily Dean was there to save me. After that the wolf ran away. We're still tracking it, but it hasn't made a move, so Dean and me are doing some side jobs, until it starts moving again."

"Shit, Sam! You guys shouldn't be doing side jobs, you should be hunting the thing before it goes out and kills more people. Where the hell is Dean? He better have a good excise for not calling me back about the wolf."

Dean going to hate me.

"Something happened to Dean, Dad. He-"

"I thought you said he was fine?"

"He is. It's just...He was bit by the werewolf, during the first hunt. That's why he hasn't call you. He's a werewolf now, Dad, but he's a good one. He has control, and he said himself that he never killed anyone."

"That's bull, Sam. L-"

"I'm not lying!"

"Listen to me, Sam. The Dean you know is no longer with you. That thing is a monster now! I need you to grab a silver bullet and shoot it through his heart. He's not the big brother you look up to now, he's a monster, just like the rest of them. Kill him and run."

"What are talking about? He's still the cocky Dean we know! He saved my life, Dad! How does that tell you that he's a monster? 'Cause it doesn't tell me, that he is. Plus, he's your son! And my older brother! I can't kill him, even if I had to!"

"SAMUEL! Listen to me and kill him. It's for the best! The thing is playing with your mind. It doesn't care about you! It's best to kill the bitch and run."

"I'm not killing Dean, Dad."

There was moment of silence.

"Then I will."


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