Watty's Capture the Moment with xXInnocentDemonXx

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Name: Natalie

Age: Im not telling my age

Favorite Food: Boiled Eggs

Favorite Drink: Vanilla Drink from Starbucks

Favorite Color: Black

About Me: Hmm... I mostly love to write and explore many different things.

Favorite Thing about Wattpad: Everything

Inspiration: My inspiration would have to be Wattpad and our fellow Wattpadians because of how many different styles of writing there is and so many different readers. Wattpad is a great site and I might as well stay.

Link: No link.

Brief Summary: I haven't actually written a story yet.

Celebrity Status: Bored


1. How Well Do You Handle Criticism? I actually handle it pretty well I think.

2. Describe Your Dream Job in Detail?  Well, all I know so far is I want to be a computer tech.

3. What Can You Tell Me About Yourself? I love to read, write and be on the computer.

4. Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years? Probably having a great job

5. What Are Your Biggest Weaknesses? Its kinda personal but, Im scared of needles and bullies.

6. What inspired you to write your Stories? Well, if I had any I would actually use a plot line in my mind and memories out the story.

7. What's the first thing you do when you get on Wattpad? Check out everything.

8. What made you join Wattpad? Of how much the site has grown and different artist on here.

9. How did you discover Wattpad? Google

10. Who are your favorite authors on Wattpad (Only Wattpad)? Greenwriter, InLuvWithRonWeasly and many others.

11. Who are your favorite authors (Published)? J.K Rowling, Stephanie Myers and others.

12. Which do you prefer; Reading or Writing? Both.

13. Why do you write? Its a hobby.

14. How do you advertise your works? I don't really...

15. What are your favorite genes to read from (Real life and Wattpad)? Adventure, Romance, Fanasty..etc.

16. What are your favorite genes that you write from (Real life and Wattpad)? Romance, Other, Fan-Fiction and Non-Fiction...etc.

17. Do you try to write your stories better than others? Sometimes

18. Which of your stories is your favorite? Uh, probably if I update I would say my favorite is The Innocent Demon.

19. Out of that story, who is your favorite character? Well, the story is actually about myself so, their is no favorite character.

20. Anything you would like to say to our fellow Wattpadians? Keep on living out your dreams and they may come true.

21. Any shout-outs? Yea, a shout-out to all my fans and family. They have supported me through tough times. Thanks you all!

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