Laced - Chapter 27 (Sleepless Nights)

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Disclaimer: This was written over 10 years ago, and the author no longer agrees with many of the concepts found in this story. Some of the content will be cringey and/or problematic. Please remember this is entirely fictional and does not represent the author's beliefs.

Twitter: dazzleizzy

Copyright © 2012-2022


Harry's POV

A week had gone by since the night I revealed my escape plans to Abby. We hadn't spoken since then. I saw her at meals, in the halls, but not once did she even approach me to talk.

At first I was afraid she'd rat me out to Master Zayn, but when she didn't, I figured she was keeping my secret. Just like I was keeping hers.

Although we didn't talk about it, it was like an unspoken agreement: she wouldn't say a word about my escape plans, so long as I didn't mention her brother. It's a fair deal, I guess.

But damn, I missed her. I missed her corny jokes, her giggles, her teasing. I missed holding her in my arms and laughing with her. All I wished for is for her to give my plan a chance, to take a risk for once. She was just unreasonably stubborn, and if she really wanted to find her brother, she'd escape with me. But maybe there was something that was holding her back. Maybe there was a reason she wanted to stay here.

Sure, Master Zayn kept us extremely comfortable. We were treated nicely and justly, so long as we followed his orders. We had food to eat, and large living spaces to stay and sleep in, and our own personal bathrooms. I guess you could compare to a free hotel stay, right?

But still. It was still slavery. We were still owned by someone else, and we had to abide by His rules. And if we didn't, we'd face consequences.
Just like I had endured mine.

As I put on my socks and sneakers, my thoughts drifted to the the fading bruises and scars on my back. When I looked at them in the mirror this morning, they were a greenish-yellow color. I scrunched up my eyebrows in disgust, but I knew they'd be gone within a few weeks.

I grabbed a small white fluffy towel and threw it over my shoulder, closing my door behind me as I left for the gym.

One thing I always knew - when my mind wouldn't shut off at night because it was too busy thinking, a demanding workout always helped put me at ease.


I pushed the door of the gym open, blinking when I realized the lights were on, meaning it was occupied. My eyes fell on a slight figure at the end of the gym, angrily attacking the punching bag.

Her platinum blonde hair was tied back into a ponytail, a few stray hairs framing her flushed face. Her gloved hands repeatedly hit the bag, and I noticed that her earphones were in.

Perrie obviously did not sense that I had entered, so I cleared my throat awkwardly, placing my towel and water bottle down on the floor next to the treadmill.

She still hadn't heard me. I thought about going ahead and running - who cares if she didn't notice me? She'll see me sooner or later.

But then again, I didn't want her to think that she was alone in the room when she was clearly not. Her whole focus was on that punching bag, and her eyebrows were scrunched up in fierce determination. I walked up from behind her, and tapped her shoulder.

Suddenly, her arm came flying back at me. I flinched back, closing my hand around her wrist just in time before she could hit my face.

Her eyes widened in surprise, and she let out a sharp breath. "Harry?"

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