The Good News Turned Out To Be Bad News

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so yeah..this chapters a little boring...but VERY read on  readers!

Fourteen-The Good News Turned Out To Be Bad News

I enter the house, still in a daze of what just happened. Bart appears in a second, dragging me into the living room.

“I cant believe that happened. We’re all really sorry Nora. We shouldn’t of let them get away and-”

“You let them get away!?” I scream, coming to a halt.

He chuckles sheepishly. “Yeah, they we’re gone before we could do anything.”

I groan, walking into the living room and plopping onto the couch. Why cant this just be a bad dream? Vampires aren’t even suppose to exist…

“Yeah, well they do. You should get over that now.” Clinton mumbles, making me growl.

“Cant you go find a different hobby than reading my mind?”

“No.” He deadpans. He lifts me off the couch, dragging me to some room I don’t even know. You know, now that I think about it, I haven’t even explored the house at all. The room looks like a hospital room. A white bed with heart monitors, and everything else that’s in a hospital room. Seriously, it looks like Clinton when to a hospital and took all the furniture from it.

“Why am I here? Your not planning on dissecting me or anything, are you?” I cross my arms and shift my weight onto my foot.

Clinton rolls his eyes. “Sit on the bed.”

“Not until you tell me why I’m here.”

He sighs in frustration. “Same stubborn Nora.” He mutters. “I think I figured out why the gang wants you. Now sit.”

Grumbling, I sit down on the bed. Edward, Bart, and Henry are next to me in seconds. I groan. “You’re here to watch the show?”

Bart’s mouth turn up at my comment, but otherwise says nothing. Clinton pulls out a needle and that’s when I start to panic. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. What the hell is with the pointy object?” I back up onto the bed.

“Relax. I need a blood sample.” He rolls his eyes.


“Oh my God, Nora.” He growls. “I need to test your blood to confirm my theory. Now give me your arm.”

I sigh. “Make it quick.”

He sticks the needle in, and I watch in suck my dark red blood out of me. Clinton pulls it out carefully and slaps a Hello Kitty band aid over it.

I scoff. “Hello Kitty? Do I look like I’m five?”

Clinton ignores me, carefully playing around with my blood. He sniffs my blood, yes he freaking sniffs it. “Whoa. Strong sent.“ He mumbles writing something down. Everybody’s eyes are trained on him, while he works his magic. He turns around, a small portion of my blood in a cup. “Who wants a taste test?”

My eyes widen. “What the hell is wrong with you?!” I shriek, jumping off the bed. “You cant just give them my blood! That’s gross, no offence or anything, but I’m a human!”

He groans. “Nora, I need a vampire to taste the blood. Since I already know what it tastes like, I need someone else to taste it to make sure.” He waves the cup-o-blood towards Bart. “Wanna try?”

Bart grimaces. “No friggin way. I would never drink blood from a friend, especially if it’s my best friend.” He happily swings an arm around my shoulder. “No matter how good it tastes.” He adds matter of factly.

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